Hello Wonderful People Of Yew-Tree! Bobbie from Green here! 
Let's just kick of by saying, I love physical theatre. 
I didn't just say that because I was being random. No, Monday's session was focused around it and it's been so long since we've done any of it. 
I actually love Physical Theatre, but I can't quite place my finger on why. Maybe it's because of the concentration that was in the room, or the way we all moved, with so much grace or maybe even the music that played while we were, for want of a better word, creating. It was surreal, to see the people who you least expect, moving with purpose and grace, even the self proclaimed, Kayleigh managed not to fall over and was fantastic at it. True, all of us have to make more of an effort with creating effort while performing with physical theatre at the base, but everyone needs to start somewhere and this weeks session were brilliant base blocks for that.
I wanted to mention something about me having to move away from Green and up to Gold, but I don't really know how... I've tried but every time I put it in I think it's miss placed and I want to start it over again... so this will have to do. I'm turning sixteen in May (SIXTEEN!) so I'll be leave Carleton, which mean I have to leave Green, but I'll be moving up to gold so it's all good.. but that isn't the reason I mentioned it. The reason I mentioned it is because, I love Green and everything that it has introduced me to. Green was the first Yew-tree group that I joined and I've been there for five years now and, yeah, I'm going to miss it. It introduced me to so many wonderful people (I'm talking about all you little Yew-tree people.) And it's been a part of my weekly routine for ages. Look at me, talking about it as though it's a real person or something... any how, my confidence has grown so much the last five years and, anyone who knows me, may hate that because I am now rather hyper and wappy but I'm glad , who wants to be normal, not me! Yew-tree is a wonderful thing to be a part of, like I'm sure you're all aware off and I never want to leave, although I'm sure it's inevitable, but I'll be there for as long as I can be!
I cannot wait for another year at Yew-tree and I hope you all have a fantastic 2012, the (supposed) end of the world. Make it a good one! (I know it's a little late as we're half way though January but so what!)
So that's all I wanted to say, I suppose. About how wonderful Physical theatre and Yew-Tree is...I'm going to stop typing now... Bye!' 


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