James with a loverly blog...

The day gold company took over gold company
I know blogs are normally done in chronological order and this will keep to the same format, but first a special mention must be given to the new word which has swept the session “ama-jim-away” possibly the funniest thing I have seen at yew since joining last August. Also. Happy birthday Sarah. Thank you for the haribo.
So first were the games. Most memorable of which is of course king of the jungle, completely re-made by Ash and Dee to the point of Sarah leaving the room at new creations such as “I have no nose.” And “Unicorns, I love them,” I think it possibly took longer to invent the jungle of Thrones Park than to play out the game. Captain Beaky was a delight as always, but I still wonder if at some point during that game. We will actually find hissing Sid.
Also, I was gutted no-body ran foot stomp or ninja warrior. But I am a massive fan of king of the jungle so it was compensated.
Moving on. The creative task. We got a woman on a chair. A girl sleeping on a sofa. Considering our group were all male. This made the use of it as a stimulus rather difficult. So a conclusion was drawn that inspiration must be taken from the painting itself. Suddenly Tom decides he wants to be an art thief. Hence why the piece ended up being about an art thief. I also would like to say how I enjoyed using a photo stimulus as it gave a different angle to draw inspiration from than words which are my normal comfort zone.
Everybody else’s. They were all so good as always. Dillon sung, again. Harry was a fairy godfather crimelordy type thing and you just couldn’t take him seriously so. Go on time travelling Lucinda and Jackson.. Also the moment Akbal returns with a table and puts it on Danni, was just unimaginably uncomfortable but still hilarious. So yeah, that’s also a highlight.
All in all big thanks to Alice for running the morning.
Laughing game was as to be expected. I think we saw a few dinosaurs and a cat. Not looking at ash till round three did work but on the pronunciation of ama-jim-away, I cracked. Unfortunately.
Big love to yew tree, enjoy your week
James, gold


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