First guest blog is from Mr Danny Southern...

“You’ve got THE best week for work experience”.

That seemed to follow me everywhere on Monday. Being an ex-Sapphire-ite, being on Nostell Week was gonna be my first step towards being in Black Company. Surprisingly (well to me anyway) I knew quite a few people like Callum, Danny, Jack and Ashleigh (who somehow managed to get renamed Bianca cos I got bored of her name beginning with A).

- Inside note, yes Ashleigh, I will do a rhyming bit later on…..

So anyway, there I was, feeling kinda vulnerable, not knowing what to expect, thinking if Sarah was one of those people-eating-fire-breathing-work-experience-bosses that’re really well… annoying. But no. I proper enjoyed it. I mean yeah, I enjoy Yew Tree (digging a hole here)… what I mean is it was really different to see a whole play develop from start to finish in a week; and what’s more, seeing it from an outside view.

Not having read the script beforehand, I had no idea whatsoever what was gonna happen in the play… OMG I nearly weed. First of all, I have to say that the new addition to ‘The Bean Game’ (‘The Nostell Bean’) is just, well immense. Just two words “Shut-up Jono”. Well, yeah I know but it counts as two and a half words really.

Back on track (again), to the script. Sarah, you’ve really done well this time. Only at Yew Tree could marriages break up, pregnancies come out of the blue and friendships deteriorate all whilst two guys are gonna have a sword-fight over a girl. That’s just normal procedure yeah? And to say the guys only got the script not long before Nostell Week, I have to say that I’m proper impressed with how everyone has been dedicated to their roles.

It was weird seeing characters develop overnight and take on new personalities, new feelings and just becoming an even greater joy to watch. Mental. Even the news of having to pack up and shift round the back AT THE LAST MOMENT didn’t even knock these guys. Just pros, I guess.

It was a proper mint time. I’ve made loads of new mates in Black (was gonna put Black mates, but didn’t know if it bordered on the racist line) and I know that some of you are off to Uni in September and that this was your last performance.

Just wanna say good luck to the people that I might not see again and just forewarning the others… you have no idea what I’m like when I’m actually running at 100%... it’s almost as crazy as shouting AVADA KEDAVRA at a duck. Seriously.

And now… the dread poem. Yaaaay… Hope you can sense my utmost enthusiasm there…

Nostell Week at Yew Tree,
Where a Duel was to appear,
The Company of Black preparing
To perform amongst their peers,
A marriage break-up, a friendship shattered,
Lives contorted in the fray,
Not meaning to hurt those closest,
That are standing in the way
Between right and wrong,
To make the best decision
Like not killing someone
And ending up in prison,
A ‘noble’ man, a push-over,
A hippie and the press,
Losing phones and violent boys
Who seem that they know best,
The moral of the story,
Of the Duel that happened here,
Is to be honest and stand up for yourself
And don’t be pressured by fear.

Well. There you go. An extra long blog for an extra special week.

Best. Week. Ever.


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