James Budenberg with his blog about yesterdays...

Yew Tree games sesh

Well this is ironic, the last blog I wrote was for the Christmas games session. Tehe.
Well, Yew Tree, the brilliance starts from the entrance, you walk in and everybody says hello and well it’s generally lovely. So ha. Well ha is great because everyone has a different way of saying it and everyone does different things with their arms. A mention has to be given to Ash and Michael for their particularly amusing methods of playing the game. Also ha was the first ever Yew Tree game I played so that was cool too, don’t know why I remember but oh well.

The other great game was foot stomp. We have all got so much better, so it got really competitive. Which was funny. Although today did teach me that forming alliances in that game just get you out and that’s not good because then you’re out and that’s much more boring.

There is not much to say about king of the jungle really. But the addition of carp to the game made it more amusing than ever. Leading me to think the game should be re-named “king of the pokemon” in honour of whoevers brilliant idea that was.

OH! And wink murder annoyed me because on saying I thought it would be the triplets that got picked while walking out of the room, I thought, going to have to guess them and hope. But no, completely forgot. But yeah the lottery theme was quite amusing also, as it allowed for characters such as lottery winners boyfriend from year 7’s sister.

Oh the creative task, for some reason, the word rumble, gave the idea to do something that combined the most ridiculous ideas and made them even more stupid. Like the noise, I’m hoping you know the one I mean. No idea where that came from. But yeah I’m quite happy to say that that was the idea in which our creative piece was centred around. How can we get such a silly noise into a piece and the piece still make at least a tiny bit of sense.

On a separate note, Holly Freeman's face in the sleeping piece, looked like she was actually going to beat Dillon up. Too funny, but hey, a picture paints a thousand words. I loved all the creative pieces by the way, they all brought something completely different which I thought was awesome.

Anyway if you’re not asleep by now, have a nice Easter. Hurray for Yew Tree.
The end.


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