Huzzah for a blog from Rob...

There’s something strange about University, because even before you’ve started it you’re thinking about the end...job prospects are drilled into you and you’re always questioned as to what direction you’re heading in. However whilst driving home I had an overwhelming thought, I don’t majorly care about my profession, I’m willing to let the tide of life take me in whatever direction it will...however what I do want is an institution, a society, a place where I feel I belong...I have this and its Yew Tree.

I can disappear off the face of the earth, become engrossed within my work but the minute I step into Yew Tree everyone has time for you. Everyone wants to know what you’ve been up to and no one holds up any sort of barriers. You get the feeling that yes, Yew Tree has moved forward, developed and adapted but you’re allowed to jump on that bandwagon. It’s so incredibly accommodating and welcoming. The thing is, you could say it’s the individuals and to certain extent it is, but it’s the ethos that has been created...I know everytime I do a blog I go on about ethos and ethics and environment and feelings and blah blah blah. But seriously, I have never truly understood the monumental and epic value of Yew Tree until I couldn’t attend every week. The ethos of Yew Tree creates a place where everyone and anyone is welcome, the quality of friendship and acceptance of individuals is on another level, there is no biennial or backward behaviours... everyone is just merely above that. A prime example of this was King Ball, it would have been so easy for me in any other surrounding to be cut out of proceedings, to have been put to one side due the fact I had been away for so many months but I was just accepted onboard. AND saying ‘accepted’ sort of implies there was a decision behind that...there wasn’t, I was just allowed to be LOUD AND BRASH AND EXCITED AND MEEEEEENTAALLLLL!!!!!!! Yew Tree is amazing at what it does because its pre laid the foundations of acceptance and encouragement. If every establishment, institution, school, college, university, business and society could adopt this mentality...well it would be lovely jubley.

And if you imagine this is just one brilliant factor of about 256 million other factors you can catch my drift. Yew Tree is bloody amazing...I miss it so so so much and it’s lovely to see that it’s still doing to others what it did for me...But even when I cannot grace its presence due to geography when I do return I am blessed and welcomed with open arms. Yew Tree you are what anchors me to Wakefield and I am anchored to you (aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww). Seriously though, to all you fantastic Yew Tree uns all I say is 11 hours...2 plays...a lot young people...a lot of energy drinks = freeeeeeeeaking impressive!!!!!

Love you Yew Tree

R. G Bargi, Girgizzle, The Egyptian Prince, The Great One or just Robert...signing off x


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