Just another Yew Tree adventure

At 11.30 sharp the Gold Company set off to the theatre from Thornes Park, there are 32 of us…a cast of 30 plus me and Danny…it’s quite the sight to see, so many young people, lots of whom are dressed in Yew Tree hoodies…both black and purple. We stroll through the park in more sunshine than I’ve seen for a while. We are already attracting attention…a 2 year old, only just walking, smiles and giggles at us and a group of 11 year olds insist we say hello. The mood is light, we’re normally holed up in the drama studio at this time of the day to be out and about on a Saturday afternoon is a rare and welcome pleasure. Lucy’s mood isn’t so much light as ecstatic I wonder how she’s going to make it to the X factor tour without spontaneously combusting.

After the park comes the back streets of Wakefield until we hit Westgate. I observe, amused the curious looks of passers by both on foot and in cars…some look vaguely threatened by this group of young people, others intrigued. I want to be able to explain…we’re Yew Tree Youth Theatre, we’re performing at Wakefield Theatre Royal next week, you’re looking at some of the loveliest and talented young people I know. Obviously this is impossible, most of the would be conversationalists are in cars, and those on foot wouldn’t welcome being talked to by a complete stranger.

Once at the theatre we are welcomed by Rhiannon and then we begin rehearsals, actors are thrown in at the deep end, Inci and Ash only started rehearsing today. But the idea for the welcome works and there is appreciative laughter throughout. We’re then joined by Nat and Bryony from The Hepworth Gallery and actors continue to present scenes not yet fully rehearsed. Work is unveiled before it’s quite ready and ideas are tried out, it’s a scary process but necessary and useful. We tour the space, thinking logistically and artistically as we go. We’re trying to predict how the general public will interact with something that is performance but not in any traditional sense. That entertains and offers something but also demands something and runs the risk of threatening them. We’re also trying to make the most of the locations, the vanity of Romeo can be emphasized by the mirrors…the drunk can use the whole of the bar…having the freedom to be seen and then not seen by the audience…

At the end of the rehearsal thanks are given and plans are made…expectations for the week are set, lines must be learnt, props and costumes gathered, tickets sold before we meet again…and then we are finished. 1.30pm on a Saturday and it’s all done…no Shooting Truth, a free afternoon…unfamiliar and both welcomed and yet unwelcome…

I am left thinking once alone about the things I take for granted. In the entire adventure there were no cross words, no heated exchanges, no disappointments or clashes. No having to tell people twice, no need to admonish or cajole or reprimand. Everyone working towards creating the most successful event possible. It feels adventurous – the first time that anything like this has been done…it feels ground breaking…but it also feels plausible, achievable and important…It feels like a brilliant way to start the weekend…

Cheers Gold Company…once again you have my respect, thanks and admiration…


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