Hurrah for new members...

I wrote this last night (Saturday) ...definitely going to be blogging about Raised curtain in addition to this...

Over the last few weeks Yew Tree has been doing a significant amount of welcoming…Black Company has welcomed a good strong amount of new actors who willingly accepted the challenge of an audition with enthusiasm and ability. As a result we have eight new members of the Black Company, which is a delightful. But Black company is not the only place that newness has been happening…we had two new members at Gold this morning…Ruby, Sapphire and Red have picked up about 10 between them over the last couple of weeks and Orange…our newest group that started in October with 6 members reached the heady heights of 16 this week…go onnn the movement and tour de force that is Yew Tree

The advantage of new members is we get a fresh perspective on things, all the stuff we take for granted, the negativity and barriers we unthinkingly absorb on small and large scales are thrown into sharp focus and the brilliance is seen anew. The disadvantage is that some of this innate and unspoken knowledge is important…it’s there for a reason…one of the most important things about Yew Tree is we try very hard to avoid making judgments sweeping or otherwise…we are sensitive, reflective and evaluative, we absorb and acknowledge and notice but we don’t make sweeping decisions or form life long opinions in the blink of an eye…

Every one…every single person in Yew Tree…long standing members, fresh new comers or mid term members are utterly valued…in order for new members to become part of the ensemble a number of things have to happen that I have no control over…people need to avoid snap decisions and assumptions…people need to give others the benefit of the doubt, choose understanding and forgiveness over criticism and harshness and people need to be honest with themselves about what fuels their actions and words. The reward for which is you get a chance to be part of something that will cherish and nurture you and possibly more instantly gratifying something which will try and make sure you have a nice time as much as possible…so welcome new members and here’s to lots of lovely times…


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