Unexpected and Appreciated
Thursday night was one of those evenings, which I approached with significant foreboding but I ended up feeling really very happy about. The Black Company were performing at the Pecha Kucha night at Leeds Met Student Union. For a description of what a Pecha Kucha presentation is you can refer to Hannah’s blog or simply google. Our presentation was about what the Black Company does artistically and philosophically. I’d written it and sorted the slides and then Danny, Dee and Tom had put in time preparing to deliver the actual presentation. The foreboding was mainly about the unknown, I’d never been to something like this and had no idea what to expect. This was compounded by not knowing whether what we’d prepared was appropriate and whether the speakers would get any support on account of most of the black company finding the floor really interesting every time I asked who was coming to watch. It appears my concerns were entirely unfounded. Firstly the sheer range in the styles of...