So this is the New Year

I’m getting impatient now…holidays are all very well and I’ve enjoyed mine immensely but it’s been too long since Yew Tree Youth Theatre was in full swing. Although there has been significant continuous provision throughout the festive season as a result of the Black Company workshops, writers sessions and Shooting Truth rehearsals there’s a definite sense that we should be back up and at full strength as soon as possible.

Fortuitously Monday sees the spring term 2011 start in earnest and I can’t wait. There is so much to look forward to, after the graft we all did to get Christmas productions ready Spring term is traditionally a term of development. It will involve lots of workshops where you can find your feet, enjoy playing with drama - just for the sake of it - and dive into creative opportunities to develop your significant talent. This term is about appreciating the fact that at Yew Tree you can engage with drama simply for the enjoyment of it with likeminded people who are your allies. There are no boxes to be ticked, no benchmarks to be met and no coursework to be completed. My only request is that you make the most of it and appreciate the chance it gives you to be entirely creative and take risks whilst at the same time listening to the guidance and suggestions of your directors. That way fulfillment lies…

In amongst this development time there are a couple of projects taking place this term that are worth everyone being aware of…Black Company are performing “The Princess Blanket’s” in York in February…they’ll be doing a local performance as well so it’s worth looking out for that, Green Company are working on a project that will result in a performance of a brand new play written specifically for them in April and Gold are about to embark on an exciting new project that none of them know anything about yet…it’s all happening…

My final word at the start of the Yew Tree New Year is to all of you who are either starting Yew Tree this term or changing groups…progression takes strength and bravery but the results are empowerment and confidence…whichever way you look at it that’s a good deal…so enjoy…


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