Cassidy who has to have demonstrated one of the greatest examples of commitment this week also wrote a's that for dedication...

This winter we started our rehearsals for ‘Shooting Truth’ the chosen play for connections which we will take to Kendal in 2011. On Wednesday we had our first mammoth day of rehearsals in the chilly dance studio lasting 6 hours! This date seemed a tricky one to make being so soon after Christmas (Happy Late Christmas) I travelled up from London for the day specially for Yew Tree. It was a productive day for both the script and ensemble sections. Scene 5 was reached in the play and all the scenes looked so fantastic all ready after only a few rehearsals. Within the ensemble we read through our first sections and took it upon ourselves to think of ideas for the next part despite the freezing conditions of the back room we made good progress and have now mapped out our first sections. Altogether the day was really enjoyable, who knew rehearsing was this fun. Everyone managed to leave on a high and looking forward to our next rehearsal in the new year. HAPPY NEW YEAR YEW TREE


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