So then...devising...

About 6 weeks ago when Danny and I sat down to plan the terms work with Gold Company we decided that the 22nd of May would be about all things site specific - taking advantage of the vast terrain of Thornes Park that we have at our disposal. At that point all we could do was hope that the weather would be ok…imagine my happiness when I woke up to possibly the sun shiniest day of the year. It’s more than lovely when a spark of inspiration gets fed by happy chance and the right kind of environment and turns into something brilliant…but essentially that’s what happened with our plans for today…

Today’s site specific adventures inspired musings on the subject of devising and what makes the process go smoothly and what makes it go less smoothly. At it’s best devising is a lot like the process outlined above…you start with the frame…whether that be words, sounds, sights, memories, anything really…then you’re looking for that spark of creative inspiration and then with a mixture of the right environment and a couple of chance discoveries something magical happens and a piece of theatre is generated to delight and entertain or provoke thinking and reflection or any number of other things really.

This process I’ve just outlined is something we do at youth theatre all the time but I think it’s important that we don’t underestimate the demands it makes on the band of actors involved. Within the process you are asked to be writer, director and actor and everyone has strengths and weaknesses associated with these roles. A useful thing to reflect on is where your strengths and weaknesses are and what you need to do to develop your skills in the weaker areas…an indicator of that is what you feel most/least comfortable doing…

Ultimately I think the most successful group processes are the ones who after discussing a number of options get whole heartedly behind one idea and from that point onwards just concentrate on that…forgetting the other possibilities and pouring all of their talents and skills into realising that one direction…there’s a joy in the unanimous element and a comradery in the creation when this happens…the results of such efforts were in bountiful and memorable supply today…


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