The Kendal Blog
This week nearly everyone who went to Kendal has contributed something to the here you are...
So it’s my first Kendal experience, and it’s been absolutely magic. It sort of feels like time has stopped and we just get to spend a weekend in a gorgeous place with some of the best people, sort of surreal, but the best kind of surreal. Sparkleshark has been immense, tho I’m sad it’s all over, it couldn’t have been better :) Jess H
As I wasn’t part of either cast I had the opportunity to watch both casts develop, they were both so different but both so amazing. My favourite part of Sparkleshark and Karamazoo has been the performances because even though both casts have been working hard on theirs for 4 months we still get to see every actor make new discoveries about their characters. Sharkleshark has been such a great process to be a part of but I personally think that is not just because the play is brill but because the directing and acting (from both casts) has been phenomenal.
Ashleigh W
I have really enjoyed my whole experience of seeing Sparkleshark being created from the start. Learning Karamazoo was probably the most difficult part of the whole process but once I had it felt like getting to the top of a mountain. I feel very lucky and grateful to be able to watch Sparkleshark being produced and to be able to perform something so brilliant as Karamazoo. Charlotte S
One of my favourite things about the ‘Sparkleshark experience’ was February half term - a week of solid rehearsals. It was brilliant...I loved all the little exercises like the one where we stood in a circle and had to create sounds that would match the movements of one person...I loved doing Alexander technique too and doing character timelines. I loved doing new exercises where I couldn’t predict the rules or the outcome. I loved saving myself all week and only having cheesy chips on Friday. I loved going home and only thinking about Sparkleshark and not college work. I loved having 2 casts. I loved seeing how different the Karamazoos were. I loved making new friends.
It’s think it’s fair to say I loved Sparkleshark Alice
Oh my god. What an amazingly awesome time it’s been…I wish I could say something really sentimental and epic, but I cant describe my feelings at this moment in time! It’s been so great being able to work (and play) with such amazing people. I am so glad I had the opportunity to perform such an amazing play with two aaawwweeessssommmee casts. Thank you everyone for being so cool and Sarah for giving me the chance to do all of this. Woooooo! Jack
A task of all tasks, a mission greater than any other, an opportunity, a chance, they had one shot… did they capture it? Or did they just let it slip. Needless to say, they absolutely smashed it. The karamazoo cast blew my mind with how brilliant each and everyone of them were/are. Such a mountain of a task, they approached the mission with such enthusiasm and executed it brilliant. BIG UP KARAMAZOO!!
Jonny x
Kendal……pretty much an experience that any member of Yew Tree past and present can look back on with fond memories or anticipate with high enthusiasm. My first Connections with Yew Tree was one working on a play about Vampires and Immortality and the first time I had the chance to go to Kendal and perform with Yew Tree. The year after had my time working on a play about a very strange girl who spends her time watching the lives of others. And this was spent performing for the first time on the stage at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in a double cast situation to much praise and thanks from audiences and those working at the theatre. This year Yew Tree is back at Kendal again to the much awaited anticipation from everyone that gets involved in Yew Tree as much as the next person. However this year I wasn’t performing at Kendal. I was there with the overall company of actors coming to support and have a wonderful time with one of the other casts that had been given the opportunity to perform at the Brewery Arts Centre. Although I was in the other cast performing Sparkleshark, I felt that our last performance at QEGS and our final performance at CAPA was just right enough for me to say “That’s it now, enough, its done”. After 5 months living in the shoes of Jake, spending my time on a rooftop writing stories, I just thought I’ve done all I have needed to do for this character now and I have to move on from him as an actor and do other things now, even though I have loved playing the role and performing with other likeminded people too. But now I just wanted to spend my time in Kendal with good friends and jus relax, like we all need once in a while. And I have……this years Kendal has been very enjoyable and peaceful. The Sparkles performance was absolutely at the top of its game and I am very happy for everyone in that cast was that had done. They should be very happy themselves too. Along with all the laughs, takeaway meals, games of That’s Out and talks with everyone, its been quite perfect…and that’s all I can really say…just perfect…a perfect end. Tom x
I’m not the best person at telling the people at Yew Tree just how brilliant you all are, but don’t let that fool you into thinking that I don’t think you all are because I have so much respect for everyone. Out of the 168 hours in a week I spend a mere 6 at yew-tree, at the black and gold company, and over the past few months doing Sparkleshark has allowed me to spend even more time with all you great people. Actually, great is and understatement: Wonderful people.
Now its done I can empathise how hard it must be for the people that couldn’t be in it, I’ve had the opportunity to do the past 2 connections plays and I foolishly didn’t, which is something I will regret for a long time. The overall experience has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done, if not thee most. Being able to watch myself and the rest of the cast develop has been amazing and I hope I’ll get the chance to do it all again next year. Ash
We are one member down at Kendal this year and to finish Sparkleshark without the whole cast was a bit of a rubbish thing. But Kendal has being truly amazing. More importantly Sparkleshark has been truly amazing. My character was Buzz and I was so unbelievably glad that I got that chance to play her, not only because I enjoyed the part but working along side another person in a play which I haven’t had the chance to do before … I feel so thankful that I have the chance to perform Sparkleshark to so many people in many different places. I don’t have a highlight of the play … but the whole play is my highlight. Ellie M
It was a great experience and I have learnt more about acting and how to project my voice so that people can hear me from close up and far away. I did some exercises on how to expand my diaphragm and I will keep it up in the future so that I can get better on projecting my voice more clearly. I feel that I have socialized with a lot of people and I have made lots of friends. The performance for me was great and everyone worked together I think that we was completely focused and we knew exactly what we were doing. Merv
Well, Sparkleshark has been absolutely AMAZING. And Karamazoo … 8 page monologue … need I say anything else? But it was brilliant, and definitely the scariest thing I’ve ever done. I have loved watching the play grow from line runs into the absolutely hilarious performance that happened at Kendal. I am definitely going to do this all again next year because it’s soooo much fun. I wish I’d done it the last few years, but never mind. Hannah
I think it’s a testament to Sparkleshark and the whole cast that I can still cry with laughter and get totally swept up in a story that I have performed and watched so many times like I did with the last performance. I’ve constantly been surprised and impressed with everyone both talent wise and the constant support that they give. It has made Sparkleshark such an amazing and unique thing to be a part off, something which I will miss so much, I cannot think of many places better to spend my Saturday afternoon’s and I cant wait to do it all again next year! Helen
Sparkleshark made me feel little again. Its fun and magic and both casts were amazing. Being in Kendal again has been amazing, I wish we were here for longer! Each year Yew Tree seems to get better and better, and Sparkleshark has been strong throughout. I’ve seen it lots now and each time I pick out a different favourite moment. The characters and the relationships were amazing. I always enjoy being part of anything Yew Tree related with the best people ☺ especially when it’s in a beautiful place like Kendal! I’ve loved it and I love Yew Tree! Jess M
Sparkleshark…well what can I say? Minus being sat with frizzy hair from a monsoon in Kendal Its being an absolute sensation of an experience…meeting and working with new people and just the general effort and fun everyone’s put into it…last night was amazing being back stage in such a suave theatre, nerves and adrenaline kicking in and all that just before you go on…wouldn’t trade it for the new seasons juicy collection ha…yeah shut up Dee…but seriously Sparkleshark is such a brilliant play with the most ridiculous characters and one of the most enjoyable experiences ever – playing Carol has being sooo much fun, its sad I’ll never get to play her again: the ridiculous entrance, the desperation and general shambolicness, the handbag attack and the catching of the pens ha.. still cant handle that I caught them.. good times… but yeah its sad that it was like some of my favourite peoples last ever one too ‘cause, well, they’re off to bigger and brighter things in September, s’gona be teary when we say our goodbyes cause well Yew Tree’s like a second family… were the team and we all look out for each other and people are departing so its like eeeeeekkk ☹ .. right I think I’m going off topic/rambling so ill leave it on a high cheesy Dee-note… Sparkles…Sharks…Sarah Danny and everyone else that helped out, you’re an absolute pleasure... ☺ Dee
After the endless amounts of stories I’ve heard about past Kendal trips, I had no idea what to expect. One thing has run true though that I will never have experienced anything like it and unfortunately won’t experience anything like it again. It has truly been sensational and I am glad that I have been able to spend it with all the wonderful Yew Tree teammmm. ☺ Performing at Kendal has been unlike any other performance I have done, I can honestly say I don’t think I have ever been as nervous performing a Yew Tree production but those nerves were filled with so much excitement and anticipation also. After performing I felt so happy I could of cried and then it hit me that this could possibly, most definitely be my last Connections performance which is fully gutting. I have enjoyed playing, rehearsing and performing Sparkleshark so much and would just like to thank everyone for making the experience so magical. In the beginning I was skeptical of the piece but I really think we have brought it alive and fully brought it to its best potential and am saddened to see the end of the process. There has been so many hilarious and awe-inspiring moments that I will never forget, I have made some true friends that without Sparkleshark I wouldn’t have met or had the chance to get to know so well which is sort of ironic considering the moral of the play. I am so unbelievably proud of everyone. India Hope, xo
Okay, I’ve had practically all day to think about this and yet I’m still sat here stuck for how to describe this whole experience! I just want to thank Sarah and Danny for allowing me such a fantastic opportunity, the whole process of Sparkleshark has been so amazing and I can’t believe it’s now all over and we won’t perform again. I’m sad to say this but also so happy that the whole journey has ended on such a high note! I’ve had such a laugh and a fantastic time in Kendal and having spent it with such brilliant people just topped it all off! I couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend the last few months but with Yew Tree and watching the audience’s reaction to Sparkles’ performance last night made me very proud to be a part of this all. ☺
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself and will miss this play very much! Well done everyone!!! Rachel Johnson xxx
Emma Fretwell…… So, Sparkleshark then… it’s really something, because of late I haven’t given it much in-depth thought, I’ve just been enjoying it for what it is. And it is a lot of things! I promise I’ll start making a little more sense. It’s just a bit difficult to know where to begin.
It’s amazing. Being a part of it has been such a brilliant opportunity. Thank you Sarah for coordinating everything, and for being so completely in charge and in control. Thank you Danny for being cool, as we wrote on the chocolate. Thank you to everyone involved, because I think you are great, great, great people who I hope have enjoyed this experience as much as I have.
The performances at QEGS were fab, especially with one on my birthday… The workshops in Crofton were productive (certainly much more so than my attempt at Karamazoo that evening! Ha ha ha…) The Cathedral show was ace too. My little sister made sure that the entire family came to see Sparkleshark again, because she enjoyed it so much the last time.
And Kendal. It’s just…. Oh I don’t even know. I love it. I learned how to play THAT’S OUT!!! Which was definitely a highlight. This afternoon, we were chatting over lunch and came to the conclusion that Yew Tree is the best thing that has ever happened to Wakefield.
Yew Tree foreverrrrr! ☺
So it's been a fun few days. Well what more can be expected with Yew Tree 4 days in a row. On Wednesday we had a day of workshops at Crofton High followed by a performance by the Sparkle cast. Then on Thursday the Sharks had our final ever performance of Sparkleshark. Getting to perform Sparkleshark one last time put me in what not one but two members of the cast described as an unusually good mood. Then Friday we set off for Kendal. It was unfortunate that both cast couldn't have performed, however having watched the performance the Sparkle cast gave on Friday night their was no doubt that they deserved to perform there. On Saturday we started with a game of "That's Out!" while the sun was shining although we ended up sat inside most of the afternoon following a torrential downpour and the fact other members of the company had relieved me of most of my outerwear. Then that evening we saw Hannah Speke as sole representative of Yew Tree Youth Theatre stand in front of a huge crowd and perform Karamazoo absolutely flawlessly. I was in awe having seen someone stand alone in front of an audience that size and just act completely unfazed. After that we had the coach ride and then home where really do finally put Sparkleshark to rest, while it is now over it's been worth every second. Nathan
On the last night of Kendal we watched a production of Vampire Story...It was probably the most nostalgic experience ever...Vampire Story was the first Connections production I was in...It’s made me realise a few things...Vampire Story was a massive turning point for me wanting to take acting seriously, I remember being so confused about the story and really struggling to get my character right...the thing is and am starting to feel like a broken record but the bi product of all this confusion and understanding is incredible...obviously what you gain from experiences is dependent on your interaction with it but the skills from – understanding and being aware of your environment, to warming up, vocal techniques, analysis of interaction and so on and so on...these are things that don’t just stay in the realms of ‘connections’...
Sadly I have had my last one, I say sadly for all the reasons above...each production is entertaining, amusing, challenging, enthralling and so much more...I stay happy in the knowledge that this journey awaits many more young people...Rob
I always proper love seeing another company’s interpretation of a play I’m doing or have done and doing that, “Oh I haven’t even thought of that” and noticing something new that I hadn’t realized which is something we got to do in every Sparkleshark rehearsal. Double casting has definitely taught me something about acting – I just haven’t decided what/can’t word what that is yet. I’ll have a think. My Sparkleshark highlight has been going to Kendal with lots of brilliant people – and also meeting new people from different groups at the start of rehearsals and having decided that they’re brilliant by the end. Joanna
Okay, so we’ve just come back from what was probably the most amazing weekend of my life, and now I’m having to write something about it, about Sparkleshark, which I’m finding quite difficult. I could probably write near enough ten pages if I wanted to, but I won’t. Instead of saying over and over again how fantastic Sparkleshark was, I’d just like to say thank you to Sarah and Danny for letting me be part of something this amazing, and giving me the opportunity to work with some brilliant and amazing people who I hope I get to work with again and again. It’s been the most fantastic thing. And I think not doing it again will take some getting used to. Knowing that after our Saturday Yew Tree session I won’t have to dash off to get to rehearsals, not having to say to people “I can’t, I have a Sparkleshark performance/rehearsal/anything-else-Sparkleshark-related.”, not getting to see all the cast every Saturday. Yeah, it will take some getting used to. But I suppose we all have to get over it. Move on to other performances and plays. But to be honest, I don’t want to. Sparkleshark is amazing. Fantastic. Brilliant. Indescribable. It’s just Sparkleshark isn’t it? And I’ll miss it. A lot. Lucy
So it’s my first Kendal experience, and it’s been absolutely magic. It sort of feels like time has stopped and we just get to spend a weekend in a gorgeous place with some of the best people, sort of surreal, but the best kind of surreal. Sparkleshark has been immense, tho I’m sad it’s all over, it couldn’t have been better :) Jess H
As I wasn’t part of either cast I had the opportunity to watch both casts develop, they were both so different but both so amazing. My favourite part of Sparkleshark and Karamazoo has been the performances because even though both casts have been working hard on theirs for 4 months we still get to see every actor make new discoveries about their characters. Sharkleshark has been such a great process to be a part of but I personally think that is not just because the play is brill but because the directing and acting (from both casts) has been phenomenal.
Ashleigh W
I have really enjoyed my whole experience of seeing Sparkleshark being created from the start. Learning Karamazoo was probably the most difficult part of the whole process but once I had it felt like getting to the top of a mountain. I feel very lucky and grateful to be able to watch Sparkleshark being produced and to be able to perform something so brilliant as Karamazoo. Charlotte S
One of my favourite things about the ‘Sparkleshark experience’ was February half term - a week of solid rehearsals. It was brilliant...I loved all the little exercises like the one where we stood in a circle and had to create sounds that would match the movements of one person...I loved doing Alexander technique too and doing character timelines. I loved doing new exercises where I couldn’t predict the rules or the outcome. I loved saving myself all week and only having cheesy chips on Friday. I loved going home and only thinking about Sparkleshark and not college work. I loved having 2 casts. I loved seeing how different the Karamazoos were. I loved making new friends.
It’s think it’s fair to say I loved Sparkleshark Alice
Oh my god. What an amazingly awesome time it’s been…I wish I could say something really sentimental and epic, but I cant describe my feelings at this moment in time! It’s been so great being able to work (and play) with such amazing people. I am so glad I had the opportunity to perform such an amazing play with two aaawwweeessssommmee casts. Thank you everyone for being so cool and Sarah for giving me the chance to do all of this. Woooooo! Jack
A task of all tasks, a mission greater than any other, an opportunity, a chance, they had one shot… did they capture it? Or did they just let it slip. Needless to say, they absolutely smashed it. The karamazoo cast blew my mind with how brilliant each and everyone of them were/are. Such a mountain of a task, they approached the mission with such enthusiasm and executed it brilliant. BIG UP KARAMAZOO!!
Jonny x
Kendal……pretty much an experience that any member of Yew Tree past and present can look back on with fond memories or anticipate with high enthusiasm. My first Connections with Yew Tree was one working on a play about Vampires and Immortality and the first time I had the chance to go to Kendal and perform with Yew Tree. The year after had my time working on a play about a very strange girl who spends her time watching the lives of others. And this was spent performing for the first time on the stage at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in a double cast situation to much praise and thanks from audiences and those working at the theatre. This year Yew Tree is back at Kendal again to the much awaited anticipation from everyone that gets involved in Yew Tree as much as the next person. However this year I wasn’t performing at Kendal. I was there with the overall company of actors coming to support and have a wonderful time with one of the other casts that had been given the opportunity to perform at the Brewery Arts Centre. Although I was in the other cast performing Sparkleshark, I felt that our last performance at QEGS and our final performance at CAPA was just right enough for me to say “That’s it now, enough, its done”. After 5 months living in the shoes of Jake, spending my time on a rooftop writing stories, I just thought I’ve done all I have needed to do for this character now and I have to move on from him as an actor and do other things now, even though I have loved playing the role and performing with other likeminded people too. But now I just wanted to spend my time in Kendal with good friends and jus relax, like we all need once in a while. And I have……this years Kendal has been very enjoyable and peaceful. The Sparkles performance was absolutely at the top of its game and I am very happy for everyone in that cast was that had done. They should be very happy themselves too. Along with all the laughs, takeaway meals, games of That’s Out and talks with everyone, its been quite perfect…and that’s all I can really say…just perfect…a perfect end. Tom x
I’m not the best person at telling the people at Yew Tree just how brilliant you all are, but don’t let that fool you into thinking that I don’t think you all are because I have so much respect for everyone. Out of the 168 hours in a week I spend a mere 6 at yew-tree, at the black and gold company, and over the past few months doing Sparkleshark has allowed me to spend even more time with all you great people. Actually, great is and understatement: Wonderful people.
Now its done I can empathise how hard it must be for the people that couldn’t be in it, I’ve had the opportunity to do the past 2 connections plays and I foolishly didn’t, which is something I will regret for a long time. The overall experience has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done, if not thee most. Being able to watch myself and the rest of the cast develop has been amazing and I hope I’ll get the chance to do it all again next year. Ash
We are one member down at Kendal this year and to finish Sparkleshark without the whole cast was a bit of a rubbish thing. But Kendal has being truly amazing. More importantly Sparkleshark has been truly amazing. My character was Buzz and I was so unbelievably glad that I got that chance to play her, not only because I enjoyed the part but working along side another person in a play which I haven’t had the chance to do before … I feel so thankful that I have the chance to perform Sparkleshark to so many people in many different places. I don’t have a highlight of the play … but the whole play is my highlight. Ellie M
It was a great experience and I have learnt more about acting and how to project my voice so that people can hear me from close up and far away. I did some exercises on how to expand my diaphragm and I will keep it up in the future so that I can get better on projecting my voice more clearly. I feel that I have socialized with a lot of people and I have made lots of friends. The performance for me was great and everyone worked together I think that we was completely focused and we knew exactly what we were doing. Merv
Well, Sparkleshark has been absolutely AMAZING. And Karamazoo … 8 page monologue … need I say anything else? But it was brilliant, and definitely the scariest thing I’ve ever done. I have loved watching the play grow from line runs into the absolutely hilarious performance that happened at Kendal. I am definitely going to do this all again next year because it’s soooo much fun. I wish I’d done it the last few years, but never mind. Hannah
I think it’s a testament to Sparkleshark and the whole cast that I can still cry with laughter and get totally swept up in a story that I have performed and watched so many times like I did with the last performance. I’ve constantly been surprised and impressed with everyone both talent wise and the constant support that they give. It has made Sparkleshark such an amazing and unique thing to be a part off, something which I will miss so much, I cannot think of many places better to spend my Saturday afternoon’s and I cant wait to do it all again next year! Helen
Sparkleshark made me feel little again. Its fun and magic and both casts were amazing. Being in Kendal again has been amazing, I wish we were here for longer! Each year Yew Tree seems to get better and better, and Sparkleshark has been strong throughout. I’ve seen it lots now and each time I pick out a different favourite moment. The characters and the relationships were amazing. I always enjoy being part of anything Yew Tree related with the best people ☺ especially when it’s in a beautiful place like Kendal! I’ve loved it and I love Yew Tree! Jess M
Sparkleshark…well what can I say? Minus being sat with frizzy hair from a monsoon in Kendal Its being an absolute sensation of an experience…meeting and working with new people and just the general effort and fun everyone’s put into it…last night was amazing being back stage in such a suave theatre, nerves and adrenaline kicking in and all that just before you go on…wouldn’t trade it for the new seasons juicy collection ha…yeah shut up Dee…but seriously Sparkleshark is such a brilliant play with the most ridiculous characters and one of the most enjoyable experiences ever – playing Carol has being sooo much fun, its sad I’ll never get to play her again: the ridiculous entrance, the desperation and general shambolicness, the handbag attack and the catching of the pens ha.. still cant handle that I caught them.. good times… but yeah its sad that it was like some of my favourite peoples last ever one too ‘cause, well, they’re off to bigger and brighter things in September, s’gona be teary when we say our goodbyes cause well Yew Tree’s like a second family… were the team and we all look out for each other and people are departing so its like eeeeeekkk ☹ .. right I think I’m going off topic/rambling so ill leave it on a high cheesy Dee-note… Sparkles…Sharks…Sarah Danny and everyone else that helped out, you’re an absolute pleasure... ☺ Dee
After the endless amounts of stories I’ve heard about past Kendal trips, I had no idea what to expect. One thing has run true though that I will never have experienced anything like it and unfortunately won’t experience anything like it again. It has truly been sensational and I am glad that I have been able to spend it with all the wonderful Yew Tree teammmm. ☺ Performing at Kendal has been unlike any other performance I have done, I can honestly say I don’t think I have ever been as nervous performing a Yew Tree production but those nerves were filled with so much excitement and anticipation also. After performing I felt so happy I could of cried and then it hit me that this could possibly, most definitely be my last Connections performance which is fully gutting. I have enjoyed playing, rehearsing and performing Sparkleshark so much and would just like to thank everyone for making the experience so magical. In the beginning I was skeptical of the piece but I really think we have brought it alive and fully brought it to its best potential and am saddened to see the end of the process. There has been so many hilarious and awe-inspiring moments that I will never forget, I have made some true friends that without Sparkleshark I wouldn’t have met or had the chance to get to know so well which is sort of ironic considering the moral of the play. I am so unbelievably proud of everyone. India Hope, xo
Okay, I’ve had practically all day to think about this and yet I’m still sat here stuck for how to describe this whole experience! I just want to thank Sarah and Danny for allowing me such a fantastic opportunity, the whole process of Sparkleshark has been so amazing and I can’t believe it’s now all over and we won’t perform again. I’m sad to say this but also so happy that the whole journey has ended on such a high note! I’ve had such a laugh and a fantastic time in Kendal and having spent it with such brilliant people just topped it all off! I couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend the last few months but with Yew Tree and watching the audience’s reaction to Sparkles’ performance last night made me very proud to be a part of this all. ☺
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself and will miss this play very much! Well done everyone!!! Rachel Johnson xxx
Emma Fretwell…… So, Sparkleshark then… it’s really something, because of late I haven’t given it much in-depth thought, I’ve just been enjoying it for what it is. And it is a lot of things! I promise I’ll start making a little more sense. It’s just a bit difficult to know where to begin.
It’s amazing. Being a part of it has been such a brilliant opportunity. Thank you Sarah for coordinating everything, and for being so completely in charge and in control. Thank you Danny for being cool, as we wrote on the chocolate. Thank you to everyone involved, because I think you are great, great, great people who I hope have enjoyed this experience as much as I have.
The performances at QEGS were fab, especially with one on my birthday… The workshops in Crofton were productive (certainly much more so than my attempt at Karamazoo that evening! Ha ha ha…) The Cathedral show was ace too. My little sister made sure that the entire family came to see Sparkleshark again, because she enjoyed it so much the last time.
And Kendal. It’s just…. Oh I don’t even know. I love it. I learned how to play THAT’S OUT!!! Which was definitely a highlight. This afternoon, we were chatting over lunch and came to the conclusion that Yew Tree is the best thing that has ever happened to Wakefield.
Yew Tree foreverrrrr! ☺
So it's been a fun few days. Well what more can be expected with Yew Tree 4 days in a row. On Wednesday we had a day of workshops at Crofton High followed by a performance by the Sparkle cast. Then on Thursday the Sharks had our final ever performance of Sparkleshark. Getting to perform Sparkleshark one last time put me in what not one but two members of the cast described as an unusually good mood. Then Friday we set off for Kendal. It was unfortunate that both cast couldn't have performed, however having watched the performance the Sparkle cast gave on Friday night their was no doubt that they deserved to perform there. On Saturday we started with a game of "That's Out!" while the sun was shining although we ended up sat inside most of the afternoon following a torrential downpour and the fact other members of the company had relieved me of most of my outerwear. Then that evening we saw Hannah Speke as sole representative of Yew Tree Youth Theatre stand in front of a huge crowd and perform Karamazoo absolutely flawlessly. I was in awe having seen someone stand alone in front of an audience that size and just act completely unfazed. After that we had the coach ride and then home where really do finally put Sparkleshark to rest, while it is now over it's been worth every second. Nathan
On the last night of Kendal we watched a production of Vampire Story...It was probably the most nostalgic experience ever...Vampire Story was the first Connections production I was in...It’s made me realise a few things...Vampire Story was a massive turning point for me wanting to take acting seriously, I remember being so confused about the story and really struggling to get my character right...the thing is and am starting to feel like a broken record but the bi product of all this confusion and understanding is incredible...obviously what you gain from experiences is dependent on your interaction with it but the skills from – understanding and being aware of your environment, to warming up, vocal techniques, analysis of interaction and so on and so on...these are things that don’t just stay in the realms of ‘connections’...
Sadly I have had my last one, I say sadly for all the reasons above...each production is entertaining, amusing, challenging, enthralling and so much more...I stay happy in the knowledge that this journey awaits many more young people...Rob
I always proper love seeing another company’s interpretation of a play I’m doing or have done and doing that, “Oh I haven’t even thought of that” and noticing something new that I hadn’t realized which is something we got to do in every Sparkleshark rehearsal. Double casting has definitely taught me something about acting – I just haven’t decided what/can’t word what that is yet. I’ll have a think. My Sparkleshark highlight has been going to Kendal with lots of brilliant people – and also meeting new people from different groups at the start of rehearsals and having decided that they’re brilliant by the end. Joanna
Okay, so we’ve just come back from what was probably the most amazing weekend of my life, and now I’m having to write something about it, about Sparkleshark, which I’m finding quite difficult. I could probably write near enough ten pages if I wanted to, but I won’t. Instead of saying over and over again how fantastic Sparkleshark was, I’d just like to say thank you to Sarah and Danny for letting me be part of something this amazing, and giving me the opportunity to work with some brilliant and amazing people who I hope I get to work with again and again. It’s been the most fantastic thing. And I think not doing it again will take some getting used to. Knowing that after our Saturday Yew Tree session I won’t have to dash off to get to rehearsals, not having to say to people “I can’t, I have a Sparkleshark performance/rehearsal/anything-else-Sparkleshark-related.”, not getting to see all the cast every Saturday. Yeah, it will take some getting used to. But I suppose we all have to get over it. Move on to other performances and plays. But to be honest, I don’t want to. Sparkleshark is amazing. Fantastic. Brilliant. Indescribable. It’s just Sparkleshark isn’t it? And I’ll miss it. A lot. Lucy
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