Discovered on a bear hunt...
Firstly in the interests of honesty I feel I must say that the original inspiration for this blog wasn’t actually found in a Yew Tree session at all but in one of the classes I take for the West Yorkshire Theatre Dance School. The WYTDS includes the youngest group I direct on a regular basis and there are, in fact, occasions where I forget just how little they are…one of them was proudly announcing her imminent 7th birthday yesterday… At present we’re workshopping the brilliant, “We’re going on a bear hunt,” and already the groups interpretation of it is pricelessly funny and adorably cute…however despite these worthy and distracting attributes last night I started to notice something quite fascinating… Firstly some useful information…with a piece like this you run a little bit a considerable amount of times…layering up the ideas and the familiarity and the confidence until the ability to tell the story is enhanced and the words etc are embedded. So in the course of a workshop you se...