Yew Tree Makes My Mondays Magic

Sam from the Sapphire Company with the first blog of the week...

It’s five weeks since I started coming to Yew Tree and already it’s the main thought that get’s me through Mondays. Already I know Sarah and Danny, well maybe not Danny (sorry Dan only joking) mean business if they us set you a task then whatever it is happens and goes down brilliantly with everyone. While we are working at the task we have fun and laugh and before that we play some amazing games. Whereas at school for example if my class were asked to make one or two short plays a week to show to everyone else then it would not happen and if it did everyone would be grumpy and basically it would be rubbish and we would definitely not play any games!

In the five weeks I have been at Yew Tree I have done so much it’s amazing and what’s even more amazing is the massive leap in confidence that follows the first couple of sessions. When you are performing once or twice in the space of two hours it really does make a difference, this leap in confidence is probably one thing some of the older members might not remember from when they first started so I just thought that it would be a good idea to put in the blog, but on top of all this Yew Tree makes Mondays much more bearable than they used to be, magic.
Any way I didn’t actually get picked to do the blog I just asked if I could try doing one at about 7:30 today (Monday) so although there is so much more I would like to write I am going to leave it at that because you don’t want to end up reading two massive blogs.
Thank you, bye.
Sam Winder


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