So Roberto Girgito here! Bad news it’s the end of connections week, I am wracked with so many emotions and thoughts however the selfish and most overwhelming one is the fact it’s my last...

There is something so incredibly inspiring and beautiful in the fact that I spent one week with two incredibly smart, insightful, motivated and pleasurable directors without spending a penny. I am not saying everything has to have monetary value but it’s hard to come across people so dedicated in your development and wellbeing while saying ‘PUT YO DOLLAR BACK IN YO POCKET’...I tell a lie no-one at Yew Tree speaks like that.

So let’s talk about the journey, I entered Monday like I enter any connections week, ‘How am I gonna do it justice’...’I will never be able to do this section’...’How on earth will this part work?’

Probably not the most healthy way to look at situations but that’s because Robert Girgis’s mind just operates like that. The beauty is though, I can keep at ease as I know every single one of those questions will be answered...I have complete and utter faith in the process.

Beginning to express how much I enjoy connections week is impossible...You become such a close knit unit, apart from the fact that this helps everyone operate to the best of their ability it makes the week so thoroughly enjoyable and fun. I think something that has played a predominant roll throughout the week is ‘reflection’ and ‘thoughtfulness’...It’s the key, it’s that extra step, without it the performance is average, without it you’re not prepared, without it you’re progress becomes such a struggle...The sheer fact I am even having these thoughts is down to Yew Tree. Connections week for me is so much more than devising and putting on a show, it’s the journey, it’s how you apply yourself, you have to be aware and it’s like with anything you do the skills you learn can be applied to any and every part of your life.

It’s the conclusion I always come to when discussing Yew Tree, it’s such an incredibly enriching environment. Yew Tree has showed me the myriad of opportunities drama holds, its mind boggling what can be achieved, taught, conveyed and expressed...and as I look out at the prospect of going to university, its weeks like connections that that will equip me, create precious memories and enable me to achieve.

Cheers Yew Tree


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