Another visit to Carleton (now called The Green Company) this week. They are now well into rehearsals for “Don’t Assume Anything,” which will be performed in a couple of weeks at the Phoenix Theatre. Such a big step for them – a performance on this scale – but they’re getting there. I’m really looking forward to seeing them perform…and take the next step on their journey…There were some new faces in the group in addition to the familiar ones and it struck me that the group has definitely grown up since I last visited…the issues they are having to deal with in the play are challenging and so, in fact, are the theatrical conventions and techniques needed to carry it off…it certainly feels like these challenges are allowing them to develop as a company and as individuals.

So we indulged in an evening of creating…making some of the more physical trickier moments come to life. For the entire session they worked with integrity discipline and flair and because of that by the end of the session we’d created a joyride a car crash a nightmare and a transition…not bad for an evenings work…


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