After an exhausting day on Friday (4 workshops with primary school children followed by 3 workshops with dance students) I finally got to my last workshop of the day – rehearsals for “Maybe This Time.” We had a number of things we needed to do that included choreographing a foxtrot but the main thing on the agenda was to stage the final scene of the play…we dutifully ploughed our way through it however by the time we got to the end it was obvious that nobody was really “feeling it.”

We didn’t do much…talked in groups about the characters people were playing and how they connected with each other and then my trusty mirror exercise. However when we ran the scene again it was immeasurably better.

This caused a number of thoughts to fire off in my head of varying significance…Firstly it’s more than rewarding when a technique I take for granted is experienced for the first time and the full force of its ability to transform/enlighten or develop is felt. For some in the MTT cast the mirror exercise is a familiar friend but to others it was entirely new and an experience that took a leap of faith and more focus than is perhaps normally demanded. Secondly it reaffirmed that in order to fully engage with the text it is essential to occasionally disengage from it.

However the most significant thought wasn’t fully formed until the next morning when I was reflecting with one of the cast members…it’s not a new thought but it’s an important one…the opportunity drama offers is unique - it allows you to have a holiday from yourself…to think and behave as someone else for a short time, to see the world from a different point of view…often the people who find this the most difficult at first are the ones that benefit from it the most…

I think there were some actors in Friday’s rehearsal that got a taste of that feeling for the first time and others that got a stronger taste than they’d had before. It was a good feeling to see the repeat run of the final scene after the character work…there was so much more focus, understanding, energy and belief… actors allowed their character to exist rather than clinging onto their selves through a reluctance to let go …such a good good way to end a long long day…


  1. Foxtrot?! I need to find out when this is being performed... Great read as per :) x

  2. 19th of May Chinazo...3 performances 3.30, 5.00 and 7.30 and thank you Chinazo...

  3. yeah...July...what a rubbish person I am...


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