This weeks blog is by Amy Walton a relatively new member of the Saturday morning Thornes group and already a indispensible member of the company...she contacted me after this weeks session to say she'd enjoyed it so I asked her to write a blog telling us why...

This week at Yew Tree was amazing. Why? Because we learnt some new games which are great, the games were: The Hop...Name and Tap...and Complicite Tag. The starter activity after the games was mime, thinking of three places to put mime in, the ideas that were produced sort of made you think, “Aww, why didn't I think of that?” The main activity was thinking of childhood stories in your groups and making one into a short piece. Some were hilarious and others were amazing. The concentration put into the pieces was immense. I really enjoyed this morning.


  1. What a session this morning! I loved the leading game....absolute quality! How much was fitted into that one session? Mental....

  2. Yeah, this morning was Mental. In a mint way :)


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