Dee West (Saturday, 17+ group and Heights cast member)is our guest blogger for this week...with a reflective account of last Saturday and tHe HeigHts in general...

I will apologise in advance for this blog it may end up being a little ramble ha, but yeah, I remember sitting in the audience watching the first play on before us not being able to concentrate and then an applause sounded, yep that meant we had 15 minutes to get changed and then it was our turn. Excitement began to pump everywhere and I recall that all that was going through my mind was ‘can’t breathe’ ‘cant breathe!’ but after being calmed down and getting in my pretty little costume for the very last time I just thought to myself… man up dee we can do this, however cheesy that sounds :) and we diddd!, sat on my little bed drawing my pictures and that … (and for the thousandth time Callum I apologise, but hey, I was kinda busy…)

Awww Connections is overrr, super bad times! Buttt, how amazing was it team? Sooo amazing :). Last Saturday it was like, the best day … so many memories from the bus journey there at 9am to the arrival at the playhouse to taking ridiculous pictures at lunch time and actually performing on that veryyy stage to then filling up in spice quarter and getting called a machine :| greatttt ha!

‘I’ve performed at The West Yorkshire Playhouse’, ha… how swarve does that sound? Anddd …who better to perform at the West Yorkshire Playhouse than with a bunch of your favourite people around you, both on stage with you and offstage watching and directing you (:

Gosh Its amazing to think that 6 months ago I was just a Yewtree’er who always played similar parts and wouldn’t even dare attempting to capture a character like Lillie, but she was so much fun to play around with and discover new things by putting yourself in her mind so its kinda sad to say goodbye to her and the thought I wont get to ever do the play again is just bad times in general.

I’ve never being such good friends with a cast before either, when I heard it was going to be double casted I thought oh nooo there’s going to be rivalry and because some people in the cast I didn’t know that well I thought ‘they’re going to hate me’, but not at all because from seeing someone play the same part as you its so helpful you recognise soooo many things so its kinda like building a character together cause there are two interpretations but yet both versions of that character are completely different… if that makes sense? But yeah basically I do owe Jess. H a lot :). There was no competition at all and no jealousy, Yew- Tree people aren’t the kind of people you just act with, there people you laugh with and have fun with so for the opportunity to meet and learn with such wonderful people I think I’m rather lucky. Yew-trees like a family however geeky it sounds they’re all your brothers and sisters :) and Sarah? She’s the Yew-tree mum. Ha shut up Dee …

Anyway this is turning into an essay so I’ll wrap it up, The Heights has being the most challenging play I’ve ever being in, but I wouldn’t change it for the world and the end scene … the scene I’ve despised for the past 6 months, performing it on that stage and getting the reaction and gasps I’ve being waiting for, ahhh I loved ittt :) Roll on next year team(: loveee Dee:) ha x


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