Emma's 2023 Blog

 What a year. I’ve never actually written a blog for YTYT before, I’ve always been a little afraid - although I don’t know what of. Given that everyone at Yew Tree are the kindest people I’ve ever met. So here’s to my first ever YTYT blog! It’s a long one, the whole blog comes in at an outstanding 2522 words. So, TLDR: I love YTYT and everything related. I love every person at YTYT. Everything about it has a special place in my heart forever. Thank you Yewtree, thank you Gold company and especially thank you Sarah. ^There are some special messages to everyone in Gold Company at the bottom if you’d rather not have to read it all to get to them 🙂


When I was writing up a plan for the order of this blog, I had wanted to pick a highlight from 2023 and talk about it here. However upon reflection over my year, I honestly could not pick a highlight if you forced me to. Not because the year has been horrible, on the contrary. YTYT has been utterly fabulous this year. I’ve had my own personal ups and downs and struggles this year, and at times I’ve doubted my place in YTYT. But YTYT is such a welcoming and open space for everyone, and it’s always amazing for a place like that to exist. Not a single person is unwelcome in YTYT as far as I’m aware. This year, YTYT and Sarah in particular has always been there for me when I’ve needed her. And for that I do truly want to thank her. 


I’ve done what feels like so much and so little within Yewtree this year. I don’t remember what I started the year off with, but the beginning of the year was a bumpy start. I was moving up from Sapphire to Gold after a long 2022, but I don’t think I joined Gold until a good few rehearsals in. As much as I enjoyed the rehearsals I was struggling to get there for my own reasons but whenever I did, and I made it through that door. Sarah was always there for me and ready to accommodate me and what I needed for that day. Despite never performing the summer play for 2023. I had the chance to watch it grow and develop. The play, which I believe was ‘Writing a Monster’. Based on three classic gothic horror tales: Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde, and Murder on The Orient Express. That play and script was honestly such a treat, and especially to watch it grow. Like I said, I never actually performed it - but I’m so glad I still came to rehearsals when I could to watch it. 


Speaking of watching the plays; I went to watch the Connections play in Sheffield. And what a play it was. I originally had planned to be a part of Connections in 2023 but before 2022 Christmas, I had little to zero faith in myself that I could be a productive part of the team. So I decided to leave it for that year, however still going to see it in Sheffield. I remember that I was double cast with Layla in Bizzy’s part. And all I remember was being adamant that I would not be able to hold up to standards and I’d fail horribly, I just had no vision for the play unfortunately. However!! After seeing the play in the Studio I was just in awe. I distinctly remember watching Layla play Bizzy and thinking, ‘ohhh, I see it now.’ And realising I could do it. I’d be lying if I said watching the play wasn’t a huge inspiration for me, and I think it might always be for years to come. (Honestly a big thumbs up to the whole cast for The Heights; I loved watching what it became from just words on a script) 


Now the next thing I did wasn’t exactly YTYT, but I think it’s important to mention. In the first week of May 2023, I took my English Language GCSE as a home educated pupil. I walked out with a Grade 5. I was more than happy with that, considering I had done absolutely zero textbook work for that exam. All of my knowledge for that exam came from YTYT and Sarah Osborne. I could not have done that exam without YTYT and the knowledge it’s given me over the years. So thank you, Sarah. ♥️


A week after an English Language GCSE, I took a Grade 6 LAMDA (level 3, bronze medal) exam on May 14th. Truthfully it wasn’t my best exam. I remember so much going wrong during the exam and preparation. But I didn’t give up, and I powered through the exam whilst cringing at myself and the mistakes I was making. When I walked out I was shocked I didn't fall into tears. And despite all that I still walked out of that with a High Merit. I was astounded. Even looking back at the mark now, I’m incredibly proud of myself. I think that whole exam and experience is a lesson to me. That I shouldn’t doubt myself so much. And again, of course. Sarah is very much to thanks for that mark and award. 


Now going from the Spring I skip to October. Something came up personally in the very beginning of September and so we thought it best that I didn’t go back to Gold straight away. But taking part in the Miner’s Memorial is something that’s always had time in my calendar. It’s such a lovely thing to be a part of. I’ve only ever missed two years since I joined YTYT (2017 ish), and those years were 2019 where I was a part of a show with West Yorkshire Theatre Dance Centre, and a show that I couldn’t miss. And the other was 2020, which to my memory - the miners memorial didn’t happen that year (Although my memory could be faulty). And so in summary, we thought the Miner’s Memorial would be a great introduction back to YTYT after a break in September. And just that it was. I’ve always enjoyed taking part in the memorial and I think I always will. It holds a special place in my heart and I’m sure it does for so many other people who attend the service. 


Then from the Memorial performance I slide to the 2024 Connection’s auditions. As I noted early, I was incredibly inspired for Connections. I knew I wanted to be a part of it again, and any doubt that I had had was crushed from The Heights. However, admittedly, the audition was something I was dreading so so much. I’m not the type of person who is good for auditions, but I knew if I wanted to do Connections, I had to do the audition. And truthfully, I was sat in Mcdonald’s car park the hour before almost convinced I couldn’t do it and I should drop out of it again. And yet! I made it, I think my mum had basically dragged me to the building and shoved me in anyway (in a nice way). But I made it to the building, and then Sarah helped from there. She helped get me through the audition. And I don’t think I can put into words just how proud I was of myself for doing it. And sticking with it. And from there, there has been quite a few rehearsals and it’s honestly been just such an amazing experience. I can’t wait for the next rehearsal and to build even more on this play. And I would talk a lot more about Connections, but I think I might save that for a Connections blog. 🙂


And then of course, the Finale. The Christmas show. The show was genuinely one of my favourite ever YTYT made plays. I would have loved to see the play from the audience’s perspective. I want to thank every single person in Gold company. As my attendance wasn’t the best, and when I did arrive at rehearsals I wasn’t the easiest person to work with. And I apologise for any setbacks I inevitably caused during rehearsals. But more to the point, I want to thank the company for being so patient and kind. No matter how many rehearsals I missed, everyone in that room would welcome me back and say hello to me. No matter how badly I played, everyone still held up the atmosphere and never made me feel bad for struggling with it. Not a single person in the company has made me feel worse. I often struggle to be in groups of people. But Gold company is the one of the perfect group of people to be with if I got to pick. 


I want to say something to every person in the company, even if they don’t get to see it. It still feels nice to say it. But in general. Everyone, and I mean everyone (Sarah and Ash too) are the best people I know. I don’t want a single person in there to go unappreciated. 


Matthew: As far as my memory goes, we’ve never been close. But I’d say we’ve been in each other’s lives for a long time. Crossed paths a lot, primary school, dance, drama. But you’ve always been a bit of a secret inspiration to me, you’re brave, you’re funny and you see the positives. You always make a cast better, even if it was a perfect cast, you’d find a way to fit in and help build the team even further. 


Fred: I haven’t actually known you very long or very closely but over this past year you’ve always been a kind person - always making the room brighter. Yes sometimes you appear sheepish but you are also a brave person in a drama room. I watched your LAMDA speech last friday and I loved it. You are an incredible actor to watch. 


Izzy: You are such an inspiring and passion filled actor. I’d say I’ve known you for quite a long time, I remember from when you did dance as well. I’d always watch you with awe. You have so much talent and passion for performance. No matter what, I love watching you perform. You’re seriously amazing and you shouldn’t ever think otherwise 


Paris & Nora: I haven’t known either of you long and truthfully I don't know much about you either. But you are both such an amazing duo, you seem to have such a good connection and stick together for each other. I’ve enjoyed watching you two develop your characters for the Christmas play. You’re both brilliant and fit in so well in a YTYT group. Both of you seem so sweet and caring, it always helps keep the energy in the room 


Bethany: Over the past, almost two years now (wow), I’ve loved seeing you at drama. You don’t always seem the most confident but you are truly amazing. I love seeing you work and act as one with a team. You always help bring a team together and create amazing characters and nuance within the plays 


Sam: I remember you working as sound in the 2022 Connections play, I had never seen you prior to that and all I remember thinking about you was, ‘woah, she’s cool’. And you are. You’re kind, caring. And overall pretty darn cool. You work brilliantly as part of a production team and as an actor. I always enjoy when you are a part of the crew 


Bella: We’ve never been close but you’ve always been one of, if not the, most sweet people I’ve ever met. Your smile and presence brightens the room and brings to joy certainly everyone there. You are an amazing dancer, and a brilliant actor. I love seeing you as a part of the cast. And you always make the room easier to walk into as I know I could rely on you if I ever needed 


Fern: Fern, what can I even say about you that you wouldn’t already know? You are the most amazing person I’ve ever come across. You make everything better every time. You are such a fun person no matter what’s happened. I adore and admire your confidence, it always brings something special to the task at hand. You are utterly amazing and you know it. And I love it. Keep it going. 


Alex: You are a part of YTYT and always will be in spirit I think. We had been in Jade/Emerald together pre-covid but with you being younger than me, we weren’t exactly close. Then we met again in Yellow. And oh my word, from Yellow company to now. Even from last Christmas to now. You’ve progressed and developed as an actor so much. I’ve absolutely enjoyed watching you progress. It’s always so nice to see. 


Jess: I don’t actually know you very well but then again I know as much as I need to. I love your passion for literature, I love the attitude and sass you bring to Yewtree, I love the energy you bring to a rehearsal. You seem like such an amazing cool person. Read some of Millie’s as it’s about you too 🙂


Millie: Since I first met you, I knew I’d get along with you. Although it has only been recently that we’ve bonded more. I always wanted to. Like Jess, I love your passion for literature, your attitude, your sass and your energy. You and Jess are both amazing people and an amazing duo. I was almost tempted to pair you together for this, that's how good of a duo you are. But given that I’ve worked with you both for almost two years. I felt as though I should be able to separate you. Which I can, to a degree. You both just pair together so well and bring something so special to YTYT. 


Robin: Between you and me, it’s been a long one. Starting from 2016 to now has been a long road. And yet even now it’s so nice to work with you on a production. I enjoy watching you slowly develop over the years with your technique and art. You are an amazing actor and a lovely person And of course, Ash. 


A special thanks for Ash. Despite not having anything specific to say about Ash, that can be a good thing too. You’re kind, your welcoming, and you do a brilliant job on the production team for any project I’ve been in. No words could describe how much I love Yewtree and everyone involved. YTYT has always and will always be a safe place for me and anyone who wishes. I don’t think anything could ever compare to what Yewtree has to offer 


And as for Sarah. I seriously could never thank you enough, for everything that you do for me. So take as much thanks as I can give and know that I appreciate it way more than I let you know


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