Jacob's Leaving Blog

 What is there to say about my time at Yewtree that hasn't already been said before? Well quite a lot actual but I should probably leave out those gaudy details for my future tell all autobiography "through the Doreway".


I've done a few blogs before for the wonderful Sarah but I have to say this is probably my most high pressure one considering that it will be my final one before I jet off to the currently uncertain world of university. So I will apologize to you now before you begin to navigate the twisted hedge maze of my ramblings.


My experience within Yewtree has been an unbelievable one. I don’t think I could have ever predicted that when my sister begged me to come to a session I would’ve been here so long. But here we are, nine whole years later. I’ve performed in everything, from fairy tales to Shakespeare, dramas to comedy, you name it I’ve done it (even a musical, I didn’t sing though. You’re welcome for that). I have learned so many skills that aren’t just for acting, I’ve also learned skills that will have me set for life and for that, I cannot thank Sarah enough


I've made a habit of personally calling people out for their achievements in my previous blogs, so I'll just speak quite generally. Throughout my time at Yewtree I'd be hard-pressed to name someone I haven't been able to get along with. Aside from my sparkling personality, I have to say the genuine warmth and happiness Yewtree gives out is the sole reason I've made so many friends, everyone is completely happy to embarrass themselves and it's a sight to behold. Once you've almost knocked yourself out in front of someone by trying to become a bean on toast in front of someone, you're friends till the end. And that doesn't just extend to the people my age.


A lot of my time has been spent volunteering with the younger groups of the youth theatre and I can now officially say that I understand the phrase “children are our future”. These young actors, from the age of 7 all the way up to 18, have so much talent it is unbelievable. To see them come into rehearsals every week and smash it out of the park consistently has always lightened up what have sometimes been hard weeks.


I’m now speaking directly to all the actors who I’ve worked alongside or volunteered with or ran games for. You are the future, maybe not of acting, maybe you want to become a piano tuner or a vet or maybe you’ll create your own Theatre company. I know for a fact that whatever you do it will be with a spark of creativity in It and that the world will be much brighter with the life you all bring into it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all. It’s been a fantastic journey and now it’s time for me to see the bigger world.


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