Charlotte's Leavers Blog

I first started working with Sarah when I was 6 years old through West Yorkshire Theatre Dance Centre. I remember really looking forward to going on Friday nights because that’s when my drama class would be. My love for theatre and drama really grew from that point on. My first ‘major’ role was when I was around 8 years old and we were about to start rehearsing for ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig’ a spin off version of the well known ‘Three Little Pigs’. Sarah approached me and asked if I wanted to play the big bad pig. I was so excited and kind of in shock that Sarah actually trusted me with a part (what??).  From then on, I started to believe that I was actually okay at this acting business, which was still very new to me. 
(whilst I was looking through my old dancing photos I managed to stumble across this gem of me playing the big bad pig)

After a few years of only attending drama classes through the dance school I felt like I wanted to broaden my skills even more so at 11 years old I joined Sapphire Company. I remember feeling so small compared to everyone else and I was so nervous as this was the first ever time I joined a club and not know anybody. As soon stepped in the room, The Winders welcomed me with open arms and I soon felt welcome and felt like I belonged there. With sapphire company I performed many Christmas shows. Jack and the beanstalk being my first ever one. It was so different to what I had done before and I loved it. 
2016 was a very big year for me with Yew Tree Youth Theatre. It was the year of my last ever Christmas show with sapphire company, (Hansel and Gretel) My first ever Christmas show with Gold Company (The Princess Bride) and also black company (The Snow Princess). And lets not forget the year of my first ever connections performance!
Connections has to be without a doubt my best experience with Yew Tree. Throughout the years I have taken part in 3 connections Projects (Eclipse by Simon Armitage, Three by Harriet Braun and Ceasefire babies by Fiona Doyle) I remember being so nervous before my audition for eclipse as I never had done anything as serious as connections before. but as soon as I got there my nerves quickly faded as I met so many new amazing people. I had so many laughs with Cast moon, (if you know you know ðŸ˜‰). It was also the first and last of the residential trip to Kendall. Which is a memory I will treasure forever. And I can’t not mention one of the best experiences of my life which was when our performance of Ceasefire Babies was selected to perform at the National Theatre in London! What a way to end my Connections experience! I don’t think I could’ve had a better cast to share that experience with. 

If there’s one thing that Black Company has taught me it’s YTYT really knows how to put on a full-length Shakespeare! Doing Macbeth was such a journey as I don’t think the majority of that cast had ever done a full-length Shakespeare. It was amazing to see everyone put so much effort into helping one another master the text and the play as a whole. It was a struggle at first don’t get me wrong, but the end results were so worth it! The Tempest however will always hold a special place in my heart. Just thinking back to the beginning of the rehearsals where Maddie and Lara were terrified of performing their scenes and then watching them completely own the space in the show was incredible to watch. I think there really is something special about watching others grow as well as yourself. 
I think the main thing YT has done for me that really shaped me into the actor I am and gave me the confidence to audition for drama schools was LAMDA. I have just recently taken my grade 8 exam and what a journey it all was. The thing I love about LAMDA is, as well as acting it really broadens your knowledge with plays and practitioners and allows you to learn about all these different plays that you take your monologues from. Through LAMDA I was really able to push myself by playing characters I probably would never have even thought I was able to play. It really taught me that I could play any character I like if I really put my mind to it. 
I’m so grateful for everything Yew Tree and Sarah has done for me these past 13 years. In a way it feels a bit surreal that I’m about to start a new chapter in my life that doesn’t involve Yew Tree. I still don’t think its hit me that this is my leaving blog! I have made so many friends for life that I’ll always stay in contact with. I have done things that I never would’ve thought I’d ever do. The achievements I’ve made through this Youth Theatre are huge. I mean, I’ve got into Drama School!!! And that would not have happened if it wasn’t the extra hours Sarah put in to coach me and steer me into the right direction and I can’t thank her enough for that.
I still have one more performance left with YTYT and that’s Shooting Truth by Molly Davis which will be performed at the Cluntergate centre on 24thAugust. I can’t wait to get my teeth into this play over the summer and I’m also excited yet sad to say that I’ll be able to perform with the people I’m so familiar with one last time. 
Whether it’s because you want to do acting as a career, just for a hobby, to boost your confidence, learn a new skill, or simply to meet new people. Yew Tree Youth Theatre really does have a place for everyone. 

Charlotte ðŸ˜Š



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