Dec’s last Connections

He didn’t make the deadline for the group one so he’s got one all of his own...

 My Journey with connections: First to the last
2015 -
Hacktavists - Ben Ockrent, Kendal Brewery Arts Centre, Bottle Green
2016 - Eclipse - Simone Armitage - Kendal Brewery Arts Centre, Dark Blue
2017 - Three - Harriet Braun - Crucible Theatre, Sheffield, Cranberry
2018 - Cease-fire babies - Fiona Doyle - West Yorkshire Play House, Leeds - National theatre, London, Stone grey
2019 - Chaos - Laura Lomas - Theatre Royal, York. Light Pink/Nude
There you have it 5 years of connections plays all the way from 2015. 5 shows, 5 hoodies, 5 different theatres and 5 completely different but amazingly talented casts.
I write the same thing every year about the experience and process about National Theatre Connections and why people should sign up. However looking back each year has given completely different outlooks towards contemporary theatre. Each time I think ti myself surely I can’t be pushed anymore but each year I’m wrong. Connections has helped me grow so much as a performer and allowed me to experience working in one of the most professional situations to date.
So for 5 years of connections thought id highlight my top 5 moments over the 5 years.
5) having a fresh, new script to work with each year and each one being completely different.
4) my favourite role would be, The narrator from Three. And if you know me well enough you’ll know the character became such a comfort for to perform due to its absolute elements of self- indulgence twaddling
3) Kendal - a place in everyones heart. Unfortunately the current generations of connections won’t be able to understand the magic Kendal has on you. I think every past yew tree member who has been to kendal with connection will tell you its an experience. Nothing better than travelling up on a coach singing classic musical theatre songs, staying up till early hours of the morning playing cards against humanities and how could I forget ‘Thats out’. So many amazing memories made up in a small youth hostel but surrounded by positivity constantly
2) I've seen people come and go over these years and odd to think about the people from past to current casts. But been able to work with such a diverse range of talent and ages has been an absolute honour and privilege. I just want to say everyone who I ever performed with during the past 5 connections you rock!
1) Performing at the National Theatre in 2018. I mean I don’t really need to say anymore Oh and how can I forgot the revolution of Boons, Boons pt2 and boons: Last chapter.
There’s so many people who have impacted my connections experience and I wish I could write about them all but don’t have time so lets keep it quick. Tom, Emily first connections show and last connections together a little trio. Just so many people and so many amazing memories - you know who you are and what them memories.
As I become too old for connections now (Sad Face) its nice to see that my sister will now move up and enjoy the most amazing experiences yew tree will offer.
So to end off, Thank you Sarah and Oz for everything you’ve done over the past few years (mainly putting up with me). Thank you to the National for producing such an engaging scheme allowing young children to perform plays about young children.
Connections will be the best thing you do, I can promise you that. YOU WON’T REGRET IT 2015 - 2019 = Connections Completed.


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