Connections Week 2019 by Chloe Watson
I’m writing this, on the Sunday, after a long week of rehearsals, where I watched Chaos grow from a series of scenes, to a beautiful play, held together by raw emotions, beauty and incredible talent. This is my first connections experience, therefore I had no idea what to expect; in ways of preparation, director:actor expectations and also tiredness. This week has really challenged me as an actor, whether that be a result of hammering ‘Late’ home on Tuesday, or working out my objectives for ‘Platform’ on Thursday, I can safely say that I feel stronger as a performer after this week of pure acting. I also adored watching the cast grow and bond together, over the week, which I believe is helping the play grow stronger and braver. Now, I’m not really one for special thanks, as I rather like the socialist ideals of equal thanks to all, but I’ll allow this to slide. Sarah, you have helped me grow as a performer this week; constantly pushing and demanding (completely the wrong world but we can roll with it) more, which has left me feeling so much more confident and secure in my scenes. Even though I was beyond challenged with connections, I’m hoping this isn’t my last, and would adore to come back and create another beautiful play next year. And remember, tickets are still available for Laura Lomas’ “Chaos”, which should be snatched up, as it’s rather brilliant!!


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