Jacob blogs about being a YTYT volunteer on the 10th day of Christmas blogs! Yes there has been 10 days!!

So it’s that time of year again, Christmas. A time to overindulge and to appreciate the great people in my life. I have certainly done my share of Christmas indulgence this year but in the true Yewtree way it has been in the form of self-indulgence, as I pranced around the stage dressed as a king or waltz my way around it as a miner from the 40’s. But alas, this blog is not about me (if it was this blog would go way over the word limit) but it is about appreciating the great people in my life or to be more specific the great and wonderfully talented orange company. I started volunteering at orange company about two years ago and to this day it stands as one of the best decisions of my life. I look forward to seeing and helping this marvellous group every week and for good reason. They are an amazingly talented group and their mature behaviour and mindset is an absolute credit to their families, sometimes they can be even more mature than me ( but to be fair, that’s not very hard). But don’t worry they are still very much children, their energy and pure enthusiasm to get stuck into any project that Sarah puts before them is a sight to behold. And as I hope you witnessed, this enthusiasm definitely paid off this year at the Christmas shows. When orange company first mysteriously crept onto stage at the start of their performance I’ll admit I was nervous. Would all their work pay off? Will their lines come out as clear and strong as they did during rehearsals? This and so many other questions were then immediately thrown out of my head when the entire company worked their socks off and not a single line was dropped and I don’t think there was a single person turning to their neighbour and asking “I didn’t hear that. What did they say?”. To summarise I’d have to give two pieces of advice. To the parents of children in orange company, and for that matter all other companies, be incredibly proud of what your children have achieved. They have smashed these Christmas shows out of the park and they deserve the highest of praises, continue to encourage them and support them and I’m very sure they will achieve great things. And to the other, maybe slightly older, members of Yewtree companies (I’m looking at you Sapphire, Crimson, Gold and Black) I have but one piece of advice. Volunteer. It is one of the best decisions you will make I promise you and you will gain so much from it. You will have something to put on your cv/personal statement (always useful), you’ll get to help support the new generation of Yewtree members and really most importantly you’ll have a fair bit of fun. And really, isn’t that what Christmas is all about?


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