The second blog of today is from Connor
365 Days-A retrospective of 2018 1 NODA Mini Bubble 1 Connection Week 5 Ceasefire Babies Performances 2 Remember Where You Came From Performances 1 Open-Mic Night Rehearsals 3 Companies I’ve Worked For 1 Comet Performance 2 Miners Memorial Performances 1 Theatre Trip 2 The Three Musketeers Performances 4 Are We Going For A Spin Performances 8544+ Hours Spent as a Yew Tree Member These are just the statistics I can remember from this year, without spending hours researching them, and it’s even more impressive when you remember that a lot of people have had an even busier year at Yew Tree. So, my forth blog as a Yew Tree member is going to be a look back on the incredible that was 2018. I’ll start the remembrance train by writing about my first experience with mining, with a little play called “Remember Where You Came From” written by the talented, Alan Wood. As a boy who was born and raised in Scarborough, I’ve never had any real exposure to mining and the sheer amount of history behind it all. That was until Gold Company, hot off the heels of “Ella”, were tasked with bringing this beautiful piece to life. And bring it to life we did! With many new recruits, everyone went out to impress with this production, the final product was a piece that was a very physical and poetic piece of gig theatre that left with a massive grin when I realised what a fantastic job the new Gold Company had done. I even got to do a fully fledged musical number with the amazing Maddie Mersini, but I’ll talk about her in more detail later. Fun Fact, everytime we performed this piece there was a heatwave, and then you add that we had to wear all black boiler suits. This led to, the whole cast feeling like we were being boiled alive whenever we performed. Next stop on the remembrance train is my biggest surprise of 2018, “Comet” by Kieran Knowles. Back in 2017, which feels like a lifetime ago, I wasn’t able to take part in the summer project which really annoyed me as I wanted to do everything I possibly could do with Yew Tree. So, when 2018’s summer project was announced I knew I had to sign up. And I can definitely say that I’m grateful that I did take part, as I discovered my favourite play because of it. While the 2nd and 3rd rehearsals were happening for Comet I was on holiday in Cornwall with my family, meaning I was massively behind everyone else as during that time they had staged the whole play. Let me tell you, never have I worked so hard to ram any amount of lines into my brain. I must have spent hours on end each day, layed on my airbed, reading each line out loud as well as its cue. But it worked, I still remember Sarah telling me it’s scary how well I caught up to everyone, even if I still had a little way to go till I was performance ready. Eventually, we were and it was brilliant! The play itself is fascinating, and the added bonus that we were the first ever ametuer production of Comet made this feel big. Another fun fact, I wore the same denim jacket which I also wore for “Standardization” . Started a weird trend of every time I play a slightly mean character, I’m wearing the jacket. Our third stop will be festive and colourful, with the Christmas Shows. Unlike last year, I was now part of both Gold and Black Company, this allowed me to get to perform twice on the Thursday night. In Gold we had “The Three Musketeers”, a swashbuckling adventure in which I got to learn the basics of sword fighting. Meanwhile in Black we had “Are We Going For A Spin”, a graceful and nostalgic look back on a time when dancing was used as an escapism (I also got to learn how to do the waltz, which was a real highlight for me). Each play was exciting, but for many different reasons. In one, I got to do some very fight choreography with Dan Narey. In the other, I was the Narrator who guided the audience through the play. Both were just as fun as the other. Fun fact, while backstage Me and Dan were practising our new routine. And I managed to chip the sword I was using Our next stop is a biggy, as with reached the monumental achievement that was Ceasefire Babies. This play changed me as an actor. It made me realise exactly what I want to get out of a performance, as well as what sort of productions I wish to do in the future. Even before the big announcement, the sheer level of professionalism and skill demonstrated by the cast was heartwarming to watch. And then there was that small thing of, performing at the Nation F’n Theatre! Seriously, nothing has or probably will top the feeling I got afterwards. It was a high I don’t believe I could ever replicate. Everything came together to create a work of art that was mature, moving, physical, humorous but most of all fun all at once. If someone was to ask me to recommend one performance from Yew Tree to watch from this year, it would have to be Ceasefire. Those three days spent in London with the whole cast, is the best set off days in my life. I’ve never been so happy before, and it’s completely down to them being incredible. Fun fact, I was worried that the bullet wound on my head would rip some of my hair off, so I decided to shave it all off instead. However, it wouldn’t meaning I had shaved it all off for no real reason. Our final stop on this train is not just one thing, it’s every single member of Yew Tree who made this year the best. I’d like to thank my best friend, Nathan Crawshaw. Nathan your progression over this year, and especially during Connections, was the greatest thing to watch. You truly have a vision in the arts and you come on leaps and bounds as an actor and in confidence this year. Next up, Jacob Dore. JD, is the funniest guy anyone can have the fortune of meeting. But he’s more than just a good laugh, he’s great for lifts to rehearsals as well. I kid. In all honesty, JD you’re an incredible actor who has such a special ability with your comedic timing and delivery, but you can also be moving as your speech as Shay demonstrated perfectly. Now, Dan Narey. Daniel, I didn’t like you at first. Not for any real reason, other than I actually felt intimidated by you. Now, I look back on that I think “how could I be so foolish?”. Getting to know you and call you a friend, has been an absolute treat. Hi Ben Walton. Ben, you’re assertive and honest, and I love that about you. Your versatility as an actor is something to behold, and I think you could be something huge when you’re older. Also, you in that wig was the funniest thing I think I’ve ever seen. Next up, Taylor Caddick. Caddick, you really grew to have a charisma and presence about you that was so infatuating in the latter half of this year, I think you’re going to be such a star in 2019. You also host the best seshes, so congrats on that as well. Another Taylor, but his last name is Hansen not Caddick. Hansen, your grow as an actor this year has been brilliant. You killed it as Athos in Musketeers, and I really look forward to what you do in 2019. Then we have, Chloe Watson. Chloe, you bring a level of intelligence to every performance that I believe a lot of actors need to learn. You may not believe in yourself entirely yet, but I believe that Chaos will have done wonders for confidence in a similar trajectory to Nathan with Ceasefire. She’s probably not expecting this but next we have, Faith Harper. Faith, you’re a pessimist but as an optimist, I need that. But, you’re also a lot more than just that adjective. You’re kind (to those who deserve it), funny and a genuine pleasure to be around. You made Outwood life a lot better in the earlier half of the year, and seeing you at Yew Tree always brings a smile to my face. Next up, Ellie Barraclough. Ellie, I don’t think you are capable of giving a bad performance. No matter what, I always know you’re going to be great and to top it off you’re an amazing person. I mean it when I say it’s a pleasure whenever I get to see you. Now we have the previously mentioned, Maddie Mersini. Maddie, you were my dance partner throughout 2018 with Yew Tree. Whether that was as Phil and Thropic, or waltzing together as Fred and Edie it was always so much fun. You’re one of the kindest people I know, and I love that I get to call you a friend. Next up, we have the only person who’s my Yew Tree and college buddy, Lara Earnshaw. Lara, it’s a treat to getting to see you so much. You’re not afraid to say exactly what’s going on in your head, and I think more people need to be like that. You’re so talented, and I’m happy whenever I see you. The penultimate person, Mia Hirst. Mia, you have the most amazing voice but you’re still so incredible as an actor, it’s actually unfair. I can’t help but smile whenever I get to talk to you, and I like to think you’re going to be even more fantastic in 2019. Finally, I want to thank everyone else at Gold and Black company. I would go through all of you, but I’m writing this part at past 10:30pm and I need to hand this in, but know that I think you’re all amazing in your own way. 2018, managed to raise what was already a high bar with 2017 in terms of how amazing Yew Tree is. So, here’s looking at you 2019, to be bring even more incredible memories, laughs and friendships!
365 Days-A retrospective of 2018 1 NODA Mini Bubble 1 Connection Week 5 Ceasefire Babies Performances 2 Remember Where You Came From Performances 1 Open-Mic Night Rehearsals 3 Companies I’ve Worked For 1 Comet Performance 2 Miners Memorial Performances 1 Theatre Trip 2 The Three Musketeers Performances 4 Are We Going For A Spin Performances 8544+ Hours Spent as a Yew Tree Member These are just the statistics I can remember from this year, without spending hours researching them, and it’s even more impressive when you remember that a lot of people have had an even busier year at Yew Tree. So, my forth blog as a Yew Tree member is going to be a look back on the incredible that was 2018. I’ll start the remembrance train by writing about my first experience with mining, with a little play called “Remember Where You Came From” written by the talented, Alan Wood. As a boy who was born and raised in Scarborough, I’ve never had any real exposure to mining and the sheer amount of history behind it all. That was until Gold Company, hot off the heels of “Ella”, were tasked with bringing this beautiful piece to life. And bring it to life we did! With many new recruits, everyone went out to impress with this production, the final product was a piece that was a very physical and poetic piece of gig theatre that left with a massive grin when I realised what a fantastic job the new Gold Company had done. I even got to do a fully fledged musical number with the amazing Maddie Mersini, but I’ll talk about her in more detail later. Fun Fact, everytime we performed this piece there was a heatwave, and then you add that we had to wear all black boiler suits. This led to, the whole cast feeling like we were being boiled alive whenever we performed. Next stop on the remembrance train is my biggest surprise of 2018, “Comet” by Kieran Knowles. Back in 2017, which feels like a lifetime ago, I wasn’t able to take part in the summer project which really annoyed me as I wanted to do everything I possibly could do with Yew Tree. So, when 2018’s summer project was announced I knew I had to sign up. And I can definitely say that I’m grateful that I did take part, as I discovered my favourite play because of it. While the 2nd and 3rd rehearsals were happening for Comet I was on holiday in Cornwall with my family, meaning I was massively behind everyone else as during that time they had staged the whole play. Let me tell you, never have I worked so hard to ram any amount of lines into my brain. I must have spent hours on end each day, layed on my airbed, reading each line out loud as well as its cue. But it worked, I still remember Sarah telling me it’s scary how well I caught up to everyone, even if I still had a little way to go till I was performance ready. Eventually, we were and it was brilliant! The play itself is fascinating, and the added bonus that we were the first ever ametuer production of Comet made this feel big. Another fun fact, I wore the same denim jacket which I also wore for “Standardization” . Started a weird trend of every time I play a slightly mean character, I’m wearing the jacket. Our third stop will be festive and colourful, with the Christmas Shows. Unlike last year, I was now part of both Gold and Black Company, this allowed me to get to perform twice on the Thursday night. In Gold we had “The Three Musketeers”, a swashbuckling adventure in which I got to learn the basics of sword fighting. Meanwhile in Black we had “Are We Going For A Spin”, a graceful and nostalgic look back on a time when dancing was used as an escapism (I also got to learn how to do the waltz, which was a real highlight for me). Each play was exciting, but for many different reasons. In one, I got to do some very fight choreography with Dan Narey. In the other, I was the Narrator who guided the audience through the play. Both were just as fun as the other. Fun fact, while backstage Me and Dan were practising our new routine. And I managed to chip the sword I was using Our next stop is a biggy, as with reached the monumental achievement that was Ceasefire Babies. This play changed me as an actor. It made me realise exactly what I want to get out of a performance, as well as what sort of productions I wish to do in the future. Even before the big announcement, the sheer level of professionalism and skill demonstrated by the cast was heartwarming to watch. And then there was that small thing of, performing at the Nation F’n Theatre! Seriously, nothing has or probably will top the feeling I got afterwards. It was a high I don’t believe I could ever replicate. Everything came together to create a work of art that was mature, moving, physical, humorous but most of all fun all at once. If someone was to ask me to recommend one performance from Yew Tree to watch from this year, it would have to be Ceasefire. Those three days spent in London with the whole cast, is the best set off days in my life. I’ve never been so happy before, and it’s completely down to them being incredible. Fun fact, I was worried that the bullet wound on my head would rip some of my hair off, so I decided to shave it all off instead. However, it wouldn’t meaning I had shaved it all off for no real reason. Our final stop on this train is not just one thing, it’s every single member of Yew Tree who made this year the best. I’d like to thank my best friend, Nathan Crawshaw. Nathan your progression over this year, and especially during Connections, was the greatest thing to watch. You truly have a vision in the arts and you come on leaps and bounds as an actor and in confidence this year. Next up, Jacob Dore. JD, is the funniest guy anyone can have the fortune of meeting. But he’s more than just a good laugh, he’s great for lifts to rehearsals as well. I kid. In all honesty, JD you’re an incredible actor who has such a special ability with your comedic timing and delivery, but you can also be moving as your speech as Shay demonstrated perfectly. Now, Dan Narey. Daniel, I didn’t like you at first. Not for any real reason, other than I actually felt intimidated by you. Now, I look back on that I think “how could I be so foolish?”. Getting to know you and call you a friend, has been an absolute treat. Hi Ben Walton. Ben, you’re assertive and honest, and I love that about you. Your versatility as an actor is something to behold, and I think you could be something huge when you’re older. Also, you in that wig was the funniest thing I think I’ve ever seen. Next up, Taylor Caddick. Caddick, you really grew to have a charisma and presence about you that was so infatuating in the latter half of this year, I think you’re going to be such a star in 2019. You also host the best seshes, so congrats on that as well. Another Taylor, but his last name is Hansen not Caddick. Hansen, your grow as an actor this year has been brilliant. You killed it as Athos in Musketeers, and I really look forward to what you do in 2019. Then we have, Chloe Watson. Chloe, you bring a level of intelligence to every performance that I believe a lot of actors need to learn. You may not believe in yourself entirely yet, but I believe that Chaos will have done wonders for confidence in a similar trajectory to Nathan with Ceasefire. She’s probably not expecting this but next we have, Faith Harper. Faith, you’re a pessimist but as an optimist, I need that. But, you’re also a lot more than just that adjective. You’re kind (to those who deserve it), funny and a genuine pleasure to be around. You made Outwood life a lot better in the earlier half of the year, and seeing you at Yew Tree always brings a smile to my face. Next up, Ellie Barraclough. Ellie, I don’t think you are capable of giving a bad performance. No matter what, I always know you’re going to be great and to top it off you’re an amazing person. I mean it when I say it’s a pleasure whenever I get to see you. Now we have the previously mentioned, Maddie Mersini. Maddie, you were my dance partner throughout 2018 with Yew Tree. Whether that was as Phil and Thropic, or waltzing together as Fred and Edie it was always so much fun. You’re one of the kindest people I know, and I love that I get to call you a friend. Next up, we have the only person who’s my Yew Tree and college buddy, Lara Earnshaw. Lara, it’s a treat to getting to see you so much. You’re not afraid to say exactly what’s going on in your head, and I think more people need to be like that. You’re so talented, and I’m happy whenever I see you. The penultimate person, Mia Hirst. Mia, you have the most amazing voice but you’re still so incredible as an actor, it’s actually unfair. I can’t help but smile whenever I get to talk to you, and I like to think you’re going to be even more fantastic in 2019. Finally, I want to thank everyone else at Gold and Black company. I would go through all of you, but I’m writing this part at past 10:30pm and I need to hand this in, but know that I think you’re all amazing in your own way. 2018, managed to raise what was already a high bar with 2017 in terms of how amazing Yew Tree is. So, here’s looking at you 2019, to be bring even more incredible memories, laughs and friendships!
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