Dec Kelly with our first blog of the half term!

2018! Let’s just say that the start to Yew tree 2018 has been a challenge already… And what we’re only 2 months in. National Theatre Connections is just around the corner and the entire cast have been working so hard. ‘Ceasefire Babies’ by Fiona Doyle is a play which requires so many skills from the cast in order to create this amazing story about how traumatic events from past conflicts can cause such a large impact on modern society. The rehearsal process from day one has pushed us to our limits with our acting skills but also physical skills. During the rehearsal process so far we have been able to explore the characters within the play and relating these youthful characters to events of ‘Ballymurphy Massacre of 1971’ which the play is inspired by. The music we have being rehearsing with has given the piece a whole new gritty feels to the performance helping us as a cast understand the problems faced by a war-torn country. I must admit though, trying to find a nice 1970’s costume for myself has got to be the hardest task!! Why didn’t they just wear skinny jeans?? Anyways Monday 19th February is when we start out intense weeks of rehearsals known as ‘Connections Week’. People who have being part of connections in previous years understand and know how important this week is. So to all the younger cast member’s this year, be ready to get pushed a lot by Sarah. Going to be stressful but trust me it will be worth it by the end. So everyone you need to get down to CAPA college on the 5th and 6th of March for a heart gripping performance of Ceasefire Babies. After last year’s success with Black's companies performance of ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare. Black company are performing a Brecht play later on this year near summer time. We workshopped many different texts ranging from contemporary and classical texts which all have different challenges. We decided on the play ‘Fear And Misery Of The Third Reich’. The Brecht play explores 24 interconnected playlets which describe the events which took place in German households in 1930’s. We knew the text was going to have a lot of challenging plotlines due to the fact that there were large amounts of suspicion and anxiety experienced by ordinary people. A large challenge in the text is going to be exploring the Jewish citizens who were impacted as well as the German households as Hitler and his power grew. The play has 24 scene which all have many different characters who represent different people in this society. I think the play is going to come with many challenges some which we are yet to find. With new members in the companies each year it’s nice to work on different texts with different people. There’s one thing about yew tree which shines out more than anything and it’s how we are constantly pushed to our limits if that’s throughout weekly rehearsals, connections, LAMDA exams or for some of us Drama school auditions. So best make most of everything that’s happening and take hold of every opportunity because who knows, I could be going to University after summer. Who knows?? Declan


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