Our next blogger is the very lovely Elliyah! Hope you’re enjoying this series of insights into YTYT if you want to catch up on the blog joy just scroll back...

Yewtree - where do I start?

I’ve been at Yewtree for just over a year now and I have to say I have loved every second of it!

I started at Sapphire company during workshops in which we did work on physical theatre and different genres of acting - quite the treat! We then started devising Hansel and Gretel which was my first ever yewtree performance! My first show and I was honoured to be given a lead role - Gretel. 

After that performance I was hooked and Sarah offered a place to me in Gold company, I’m not going to lie, at first I was terrified. It’s safe to say the nerves soon wore off as everyone there was so welcoming. As soon as I joined, the company were in the process of choosing a performance for later that year, and even though I just started they included me in that decision (something that had never happened at past drama company’s or at school even). Already, after only four months I felt more at home with Yewtree than anywhere else! 

From weekly workshops to Open Mic Nights, from rehearsals

to performances, every element of Yewtree is a delight and I am so happy to be a part of it!

From the very beginning Sarah has been there for me with open arms and I could not be more grateful for everything she has helped me do and overcome. 

I feel like I have become more confident and better than before in acting, performing and have become, in general, a better person. It has really brought me out of my shell.

All the friends that I’ve made there are so important to me too and I’m so glad that I met them all.

All in all Yewtree has had nothing but a positive impact on me and I love it and everyone there dearly.


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