This is the delightful Jacob Ladies and Gentlemen....

Well, what a year it has been. We’ve had good times, bad times and times that have made us consider whether we should’ve been so cocky to say that “2016 is as bad as it could get.” But that’s all in the past now (however recent it may be) and now we all look toward the next year in the hopes that maybe 2018 may be the good year. And I will delight in doing that with you all, once I’ve had one more round of remembering 2017 that is. But don’t worry for this will be a happy blog filled with all the niceness Yewtree had to offer me and so many others this year and will not contain the nastiness of the outside world that we at Yewtree call our “worsts”.
So where to start, obviously the logical choice is at the beginning of the year and so that is where I will start. I am gold company so my blog contents will quite honestly be very similar to Connor’s so I must highly recommend reading his first because he’ll get through the year much more concisely than I will. So for that reason I will more be covering the goings on at Orange company, the group I give a measly hour and a half a week to (even though they deserve so much more). I simply can’t put into words how much of a joy it is to work with these children week in week out, whenever I’ve told my friends at school about Orange company the response is usually the same: “oh no, I couldn’t work with children that young, they’d be so noisy and misbehaved.” And you know what? on that first part they are absolutely right, there hasn’t been one session where I haven’t thought to myself “I really wish they’d reduce the amount of sugar schools put in their meals, or at least increase the number of P.E lessons.” But their volume is part of their charm honestly, when you’re sat in the audience of any show these young actors put on almost every word these children announce to you is as clear as day and I couldn’t be prouder of that fact. And in terms of misbehaviour, sure we have some characters and not every session runs smooth as butter but wouldn’t the world be so boring if everything went right all the time and all children sat in lines quietly with no outbursts? Anyway I’m getting off track again, back to the year of 2017.
The year’s first big performance was in the form of “Yewtree presents” which was a great day filled with performances from all our companies. Orange company performed a great rendition of Roald Dahl’s Cinderella from his book of revolting rhymes. Obviously the children delighted in being able to perform one of their favourite’s books and took to rehearsals like fish to water, and needless to say it showed with their great performance to a sizeable crowd. I was also in Yewtree presents but Connor has that covered pretty well.
The year then sped along with the children taking part in all sorts of workshops to improve their already considerable skills and to get them ready for the big one, the Christmas shows. Their Christmas play was truly great, not just because of their crystal clear diction (which Sarah obviously enjoyed), but also because this was a play they themselves had inspired. Sarah had of course done all the actual writing but all of the ideas and the very basis of the play came from the children’s suggestions. What was so lovely to me was that not once did other children say no or reject another child’s idea, they always praised each other got inspired by it and added on to the original idea until the whole group had all put in a bit of themselves into the play. And once again, it showed in their performance.
So in short, I myself may have done quite a lot of Yewtreeing (it’s a word now) this past year but that was all once again covered by my pal Connor and even then when I look back on 2017 sure I remember quite a bit of my time in Gold company, but I remember even more of my time helping out at the group full of gems called Orange company.


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