Place to Play

Over the last few months Bailey with the help of Gold Company have been making a short film.  The result is The Detective Collective… a comedy romp that pays homage to Scooby doo, The Princess Bride and Star Wars amongst a wealth of other rich pickings.  It’s also inspired by Hepworth, Wakefield.  All ways round this is a potentially brilliant combination.  It was released yesterday with a premier at Gold Company itself and then an online release later in the day.

There is a lot to like about the film but I think my favourite thing – not counting the lovely people who have worked on it, in front of and behind the camera – is the playfulness.  Which makes my blog neatly tie in thematically with Clair’s beautifully written guest blog.  Watching The Detective Collective is a tonic – it has the ability to be thoroughly entertaining without taking itself too seriously, it is a great reflection of the creative heads that made it happen and it’s joyously playful!

There’s a lot to be serious about in this world and it’s important that we know what those things are and do something about them.  It is also essential that we balance that seriousness with playfulness, to remind ourselves of where happiness is found and how affirming it is to indulge in joy.  At a time where resilience is vital and our mental health is exceptionally vulnerable I am advocating everyone find their place to play.  It makes me very happy that for so may people it’s YTYT.

PS If you want to watch The Detective Collective – and why wouldn’t you – it’s here…enjoy!!


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