Ellie is our guest blogger this week...

So, this blog won't be to do with yew tree, but WY Performers, which shows are also directed by Sarah, and this years is Aladdin! We have a cast full of sunbeams, stars, wishes, the sun and moon for narrators, guards, Aladdin, genie, princess Yasmin, and a fearful villain Fahzim. There's so many roles for so many different ages and abilities all mixed into a show of acting and dancing to be put on in November!
On Saturday we got into our very first week of rehearsals after auditions, which for me were quite nerve racking because I didn't know anyone there but, to start off Sarah, Sarah, Catherine and Victoria read out a list of roles and introduced us all so that we knew who was playing who and we knew who we each were a little better, which eased a lot of the nerves I had when I first walked in and made me feel a lot more comfortable. They then set us off in three small(ish) groups corresponding to our roles, this allowed me to find out who more people were and it was easier for me to learn names (I'm quite forgetful). There was a small group full of the younger children, another of senior dancers, and an actors group. I was in the actors group (I'm the sun) which was good for me because I am usually a sole actor here at yew tree in Sarah's Monday night sapphire group so being thrown into a group of people with abilities such as my own was less intense. The acting was taken by Sarah Os, then we started off by getting to know as many people in the room as we could by introducing ourselves with our name an which part we played, then we did a sort of make me challenge as a team and had to create different settings such as space, a wedding and a market at night. The workshop was fun and it helped us all figure out who we would be working closely with in the show and also helped me to gain a few friends:)
Then we moved groups to Sarah Thomas, who asked us if there was any of us who felt we were more experienced dancers who would like to try the dancing, and if we did then we went off to join the senior dancers to learn a set motif and add 8 more counts on, for me this sounded like something that would take me particularly out of my comfort zone, so I decided to stay put in my group of fellow actors who also didn't feel as if they should join the dancers. The rest of us actors then went in to learning a set phrase of movement with Catherine with the junior dancers. This was so fun being able to work with the younger children who are a lot more boisterous and energetic than us, and most of us had a laugh. Once everyone had learnt their pieces, we came back together as one to perform what we had done, the senior dancers had two groups, and the actors and the junior dancers showed their piece too.
Over all Aladdin is an experience I am glad I auditioned for, it's going to be an exciting show and I hope you all come to watch it!


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