Toni is our excellent guest blogger this week...

Connections is back! You probably weren't very aware that it was away because of how quick it seems to have been since we performed Hacktivists at Kendal but we're more than ready to say 'welcome back' to the 5-7 Saturday night slot. And so, with a few extra recruits for this year, tonight's rehearsal was the first read through with the set casts and a time for us to discuss our thoughts on the play Eclipse and the partner piece we are creating along side it: The Darkness in the Light.
The thing that struck me the most while listening to the read through was how utterly different Eclipse is from Hacktivists. Pretty much the entirety of the play is written in verse with rhymes- a complete contrast to the naturalist dialogue of last year. Hearing the lines read out, though, suddenly gave parts of the play a definite eerie sense and others a more playful feel that works very well- especially with the links of paganism and rituals- and it seems the Eclipse casts are going to have a lot of fun creating the rhythm for the play.
Having not been at the auditions last week, this was the first time we, the Darkness in the Light cast, have heard the play out loud- and that's when it seems to piece itself together. Already, there have been so many ideas thrown about for how character's could be portrayed and how they could do it. The twins (Polly and Jane), played by Charlotte and Eve in the cast we were listening to, particularly caught my interest as dynamic characters whose bond changes throughout the play. Hearing Charlotte and Eve bring the characters to life seemed to make even more apparent the use of rituals other than the obvious ones in the play and while the eclipse is happening. It also made you slightly uneasy at how in tune Polly and Jane are with each other which will only get stronger throughout the rehearsals- exciting!
Lastly to touch on the partner piece, as we're devising it ourselves, it could take us anywhere and I am so excited to get started on it! We'll be looking at the light, dark, sun and moon in the play and bringing it together with the previously mentioned connotations of paganism and rituals. With us about to start some research I can already tell we'll be coming out of rehearsals on a Saturday night feeling way more knowledgable and thoughtful than before, which might get tiresome for my parents on a Saturday night, but will no doubt contribute to the audiences thoughts about the story when we perform in February.
Effectively, we've just set off on 2015s connections journey and it's looking like it's going to be a great one! Eclipse definitely seem like the type of play that we can constantly keep revealing things about each character and so always keeping us intrigued and it has a great platform to create another piece off entirely from scratch- bring on next week!


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