Back to School
I went back to school this week – embarking on some serious Stanislavski* research in readiness for this week’s Black Company session – it was fascinating going over familiar ground with fresh eyes – remembering things I had forgotten over years of directing and at the same time realizing where some of the elements of the way that I work had come from – it was comforting to think that they hadn’t just popped into my head randomly but instead have more substance and universality than I gave them credit for… I was reminded of the importance of collective responsibility when making theatre…that a company of actors should strive to be supportive, to avoid judgement, to be disciplined in their approach and that the work of making should be at the heart of everything that happens in a rehearsal room to create a truly creative atmosphere to work in…I was inspired by writing on inspiration, imagination, truth and expression…and I was filled with ambition to help my actors find a inner cre...