And here is Ellen's guest blog...
I'm not great at this whole blogging I usually just embarrass myself for example talking about completely off task topics leaving everyone confused. So here goes, I love YewTree all you guys make me laugh and smile I love how we are all like a family through good and bad, through crazy and calm, here for each other all the time no matter what. Like when poor Sian dislocated her knee at gold that was really freaky, Sarah had to ring an ambulance and everything, the most traumatic thing to happen to the big YewTree family. Thankfully Sian is fine she is already walking and it only happened last week. So now we've all been more aware of how fragile our bodies are...well kind off...Tiff cut her foot at gold the week after, so come at your own risk or wrapped in bubble wrap. No the week was good too, I'm now involved in Nutcracker being performed by West Yorkshire Theatre Dance Centre they needed some extras to be the attendants with the Queen some of us stood up to the challenge, whoever didn't you are missing out talking from the people who have seen it so far it's really good! Also (yes there is more) in Sapphire our lovely bunch are trying out a whole new load of techniques still as silly fun and crazy as ever, what else do you expect from Sapphire Company. I'm loving YewTree, the cake and coffee with Sarah on a Saturday morning, the crazy Sapphire Company and all, the new people. YewTree I love you and all the people that go there. Ok so now I'm stalling because I don't know what else to talk about. I've got it, connections, the lovely group of connections, its nice working with the gang you all make me laugh and it's a great experience I have made a load of new friends and learnt a whole load of new skills. So to wrap this up I love you guys and loads of new performances are coming up with gold and with the Sarah Thomas's gang, I'm excited and see you all later! Xxx By Ellen MacCourt


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