A sneaky blog from James Budenburg...

Black company pieces are coming on great. The writings brilliant and it's starting to come off the page now which is great to see. I won't talk about any spoilers though so you'll have to come see them.
Anyway, there's a song in ours and its posing trouble. It's good trouble because its creative trouble. It was all fine and dandy at first because you know, we had a bit of a sing and it sounded like we had something. Of course then the chords change everything, Merv went away and put it to music, he's done a wonderful job and we messed about with that on Thursday and what he's got is really nice. The chorus still poses a threat but we've got the first verse down so more progress will come! 
Of course then there's the script round that too which is another challenge. The comedy in it means it's quite easy to self indulge, especially when your laying down with a guitar and haven't got a clue what to do with it. We got some advice to stay centred in the characters and not the moments though which was good because now we have something to attack next Thursday.
I'm really looking forward to these scripts as after connections has finished it's good to have a completely different character to go at.


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