Danny Keane with a farewell blog as he goes off to pastures new...

Sitting here, I’m trying to write a witty opening line, or a way of telling my story of yew tree, or about how being a member has changed my life in certain ways, but ultimately, I don’t have to because everyone reading this already knows the effect that it has on you, you already know the feeling. 

Whether you have been there a decade or a day you cannot sit there and say that every second hasn’t been worth it. You learn new skills about your craft (more so than you do from an acting course at college or university), you gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, you find people who inspire you, people to look up to, you find new friends, you find a family. Yes that sounds really cheesy and a little bit soppy but there is a reason why people come back session after session, there is a reason why people like myself even after three years of university keep coming back and why even after moving far away we shall continue coming back time and time again. Because in twenty one years I have never found a friendlier, more diverse, more talented, inspiring group of people than those of you at yew tree youth theatre. I realise that this is basically just a list praising you all, and it’s very rare for me to do something like that, but seriously, thank you. I know I’ve never been the most reliable person, or the most dedicated and certainly not the easiest to teach, but thank you Sarah for allowing me to have been part of this little family for the past six years, it has been an honour and an absolute pleasure. 

But don’t get too comfortable because one day the bad penny shall return, it always does and why? Simple: Yew tree Youth Theatre, because you’re worth it. Yes, I am genuinely finishing this blog with that statement…


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