Sam from Sapphire writes about being Aladdin...

Cockadoodie Hippocampus

I never know how to start blogs, which is a shame really because I usually just end up talking complete rubbish for a while until I can think of something to say; oh, life could be considered a trial... So, now that I have at least written a start, of sorts, I daresay that this would be an excellent opportunity to begin.
Stuck again...
Here goes: Being Aladdin in a Christmas extravaganza is rather a kerfuffle; Learning lines takes a terrible toll on your sister who thinks that it is the pinnacle of complete and utter ridiculousness (although not in as many words) that it takes me so long to imprint these few words into my cockadoodie hippocampus… Bless her.
The thing that I like the most about rehearsals is just seeing how everything evolves, grows, and develops, like a flower, at the careful nurturing hands of each person – or maybe that’s just me being poetic… But seriously, everything would not be the same without everyone’s commitment to making things go smoothly; in my opinion, when things go smoothly, the end product is much nicer.
Adele is doing a tremendous job of distracting me from this blogging lark…
One thing that you (or, as it was before I was accused of being ostentatious “one”) could say about having one of the main roles is that everything becomes more nerve wracking… I often find myself in such a pickle when it comes to performing anything because of the whole “I’m going to do something wrong and I’ll all be a mess and in a minute I’m going to cry” thing… but maybe that’s just me. The challenge I always have is getting past that initial stage and then, once a bit of normality has been restored to my thought processes, and my hippocampus begins to work again, things go a bit better...
Oh god, I’m beginning (now finishing) to generate a cornucopia of, for want of a term more pleasing to the ear than twaddle, twaddle.
Toodlepipingtons until the next time…


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