
Amy said I should write the blog today on her and how lovely she is…I think not…but it did get me thinking…

Quite often when I’m searching for a theme or idea for the blog (on the occasions where there isn’t an obvious one) the main images I get are of people who I’m particularly pleased with that week - for whatever reason…I normally dismiss these as being pleasant but unhelpful in the whole business of creating the blog…however there is perhaps a wider theme…

Each week YTYT to some extent or other allows people to be impressive…there’s so many ways this can happen which means I can safely say that not a week goes by without somebody impressing me greatly…this week some of the ones that stand out are Michael with his consistent helpfulness and talent with the filming, Mikey who has cast and organized a whole branch of his family to ensure we can get another scene filmed, Jack Iredale who is possibly the most loyal, committed and helpful person I have ever met – no matter what I need from his he is there…Ellen McCourt who was brave enough to fly through the air in the physical theatre piece – in fact so many people were prepared to step out of their comfort zones into a form of theatre work they hadn’t really done before that day…Katie Ludvigson who is making the most of every YTYT opportunity she possibly can at the moment…everyone who overcame the drama of results and Uni admission to help out or pay with the youth theatre all these people and more have impressed me greatly this week…

So then people who have engaged with YTYT this week - either on the Volunteer day, the singing day, the physical theatre day, the filming day, black company, writers or even on the facebook page - who has impressed you this week? Who has said, or done or made or written something that made you think that person has done well, or changed my mind, or entertained me or inspired me?  This week I think it might be nice to share that…so if you are so inclined post up their name and why on the facebook wall under the blog link or have a face to face conversation and tell them, it’s a nice thing to do… 


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