From the sublime to the ridiculous...
This week’s Summer Days were ridiculously dichotomous (enjoy looking that one up!) As I journeyed home on Friday night I was left reflecting on the strength YTYT has to accept and enjoy such a wide range of disciplines, approaches and ideas. The important word there is enjoy, nobody forces them…they just like to do it, they even come back from university to dabble once again in the constant stream of creativity we aim to offer... On Wednesday we had a full day of Games and Improvisation, which attracted the most participants of the summer (apart from the Nostell week of course.) On the surface it seems like an easy option, like it’s the easiest day to commit to but you only need to read Mel’s guest blog to see that it isn’t like that at all. For a lot of people stepping up in Improvisation is still a big step out of people’s comfort zones and this was true in the workshop not only of less experienced participants but also of the veterans....