The reverse of Sam's view from Sapphire session comes from the director of the project Jack Iredale...

As I’m writing this, I still need to put the final touches on the plan for Monday. But I thought it might be a good time to reflect on last week’s session, and where the ideas for this came from in the first place.
As some of you know, my degree course requires me to create a piece of theatre with a group in the community, and sapphire company have bravely stepped up to the challenge. 
My first real hurdle was coming up with what I wanted to the piece to be about. Sarah had said to me that a good director knows what they want their piece to say, and for the life of me I had no idea. And it was in the process of looking for inspiration that the light bulb went on. I wanted to see what inspired other people. And I wanted to make a piece that both inspired the actors and its audience.
With this basic idea in place, I got some ideas of what inspires me, namely places, people and music. And when I posed these categories to the team at sapphire company, the variety of responses I got was huge. And honestly, I felt ...privileged...honoured...I don’t know the right word, but some of the more personal responses hear them, I felt like I was being trusted with something that was really meaningful. But it proved to me a few things. That something that inspires you can come from anywhere. From someone famous, to some stranger you see in town. To a place you’ve only been once, to somewhere you go every day, to somewhere that exists only in fiction.
Essentially, I realised that I had chosen a good starting point for my piece, and a brilliant group to devise it with. And I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.


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