The Circle Game. - Gemma Whelan

There is a stunning song by the legendary Joni Mitchell called the circle game. The song paints a beautiful picture about how life carousels round, and that as long you are part of the ride life will pull you through the seasons of your life with a steady 
certainty that's reassuring and dilutes the fear that comes with change.Tuesday was the first day of spring and the world seemed to take a breath, opens its windows, peg the washing on the line and throw caution to the wind by omitting socks and donning sandals, and revealing pale forearms to try and grab some Vitamin D. Much like a yawn this infectious optimism seeps into all aspects of my world, from the fresh whites billowing on my washing line to the high energy of my youth theatre sessions.

Yesterday alone saw the joys of the Red company set off in search of a bear, Purple mash up fairy tales, and Crimson admirably fall in love and hate Shakespeare in equal measures. 

What drew me to write this though, was the long lingering look of a young boy from Red as he watched Purple co. ball into the room and with a little fear and a lot of awe turned to his mate and said "that's the purple group, we're going there in September", which was quickly followed by helping others step forward on their YTYT journey, only then to return home to a message from an old friend asking if their 5 year old daughter could come and join us at Red company on a Saturday.

And so we move forward into new seasons, we ride the carousel, for as long as we can, sometimes gripping on to the ride with all our might and at others sitting back with such confidence we even get to enjoy the scenery...the circle game


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