James Budenburg with his annual games sesh blog

I wrote this blog last year, how time flies. Except I probably did it much earlier in the morning as I’m growing lazier in my old age. 
The games session had so much to live up thanks to last year’s hilarity and even with the lack of ratchet screwdriver; I think we’d all agree it did more than live up to its expectations. I was expecting to be writing about the games now, as normally I tackle my blogging in chronological order, but the creative task has to come first… so the brief was a jingle. Short, sweet, Christmassy and Yew Tree related. Looking at the casting I was anticipating finished products of a crazy and ridiculous nature, but what we came up with, I just don’t think there is a word in the English dictionary to describe it. BUT, I believe they are being put up one by one in the lead up to Christmas and if you manage to get through the entirety of MC Murphin’s escapade without laughing, then credit to you, you have Scrooge potential. Also, the action figures sketch, if someone would get me the Sarah Osborne one for Christmas I’d be eternally grateful. I’m going to have to finish that paragraph short because there are about three pages worth of highlights replaying in my head and to list them all would take me hours and unfortunately my chemistry revision guide is calling from downstairs, so I better move onto the first half of the session.
The games, so good, so so good. I don’t even know what to call that ninja game or for that matter how to describe it. But it deserved a mention. Onto ninja warrior, well done Tom Osborne for defeating the bullies and taking victory. Going to move on now as to evade too much thought of my what can only be described as terrible performance in that game. Not that winning matters, it’s the taking part that counts obviously. I share coconuts victory though, so it’s not all bad.
So on that I leave you, Merry Christmas


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