James B blogged about our brilliant Play In A Day...

Right, so play in a day. Loved it. To put it shortly. Not sure that will do for a blog though. So here it goes.

We started with the basic idea of street café and then sought to develop into a piece. Starting with street café we investigated the different characters you might get coming along this street. The first time it was as outrageous and hilarious as it normally is but. But the second time we sought to focus on the less attention grabbing, but equally as important characters. That was really interesting as it gave a completely different street café to what we normally produce. From there it was about choosing a character and delving deeper into his/her back story, their reasons for being on that street at the particular time. From then on I could see background of the piece we were to produce.

Then it gets even more complicated, from all these new people in the room, that suddenly exist, it was time to suss out who you know, who you don’t. Who you like, who you dislike. Etc. That took a good amount of concentration but by the end everybody seemed to have a few street friends. With it being a one day thing though the characters didn’t have a chance to fully develop, I say that with caution as a lot of the characters were pretty deep by 4pm. But from my perspective they seemed to grow with every run. So this is about 12.30. And we’ve got no piece whatsoever. Now we chose the content of the street. A common event that brought all the characters on the street, after a good 10 minutes of heated debating the decision was made to a lost child, called Edward, in case anyone wanted to know. Don’t know who named him. Think we should have voted on that too.
Lunch was nice, just thought I’d put that out there. Nice little chats with the Yew Tree lot.

But after my BLT and chips, which I didn’t finish in time to my upmost embarrassment, we went on to do a bit of creative writing. We were writing the script really, but we didn’t know it at the time. Got some really good monologues after an hour or so though. Then we sorted them into a well thought out order and boom, bit of added movement and side dialogue and we were there. After a few runs and some minor changes I think what we had was pretty good. Well I was impressed with it, you can judge it yourself though if you fancy it, get yourself on YouTube. Then we went home. On the bus. In the rain. But that didn’t really matter, but the piñata did get wet. Anyway. Too many words. see you all soon


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