Emma Fretwell makes an appearance as this weeks guest blogger...

Yew Tree, hey.
Today has been a clumsy clumsy clumsy day. I’ve fallen, slipped, fully face-planted… So there was very little hope for me in the brilliantly choreographed dance to the Bolero. But I have to say, it’s looking good. I think we might all finally be getting it! The Worn Out Shoes is going to be spectacular. All the Christmas shows are going to be spectacular. Mili (Purple Company) is so excited for their play too, and she tells me "We're going to be fantastic!"
But the Worn Out Shoes, it’s coming on a treat. Ed puts in a consistently brilliant performance as the King, and he’s really grown into the character. Every session there is a new level to his performance and it’s just so great to watch. The ensemble are excellent with their physical theatre and this week it has sharpened up. Worn Out Shoes, yesssssssssss. There are very, very few sane, rational people in this play. Ever. And when you’re in it and your character is absolutely mental, you really have to step back to realise that they are bonkers. I don’t even know if that made sense.
So anyway, Connections is great! Shooting Truth is brilliant. I mean, obviously I read the script before auditioning and stuff, but the script read-through today really changed my opinion of it. I thought the story was scary and deep. Let me tell you right now: the story is absolutely terrifying. It’s blunt and it’s brutal, it’s chilling and it’s unnerving, and it’s going to be excellent. Reading the lines aloud was nice, because as Sarah said, it’s completely off the page now. And I couldn’t be more excited.
So Open Mic Night, Christmas shows, Connections…. GO ON YEW TREE.
Emma x


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