The Aftermath of Sparkleshark...

It was hard to imagine last week what a week without Sparkleshark would feel like but in fact it’s been pretty theatrically rich…which is a good thing as the come down after such a wonderful experience can leave me feeling a little low…

Firstly the aftermath of Sparkleshark brought wonderful blogs…a record amount of them, lovely comments and the photographs which look stunning…so that was good in itself…

Then I got to see two pieces of theatre, which always inspires me. Number one was a two hander show in Sheffield, “There’s only 1 Wayne Matthews.” This was an odd piece as although it was well conceived and engagingly performed it didn’t seem to be quite brave enough. The intention was right and the subject was good (friendship, racism, ambition, belonging) but it was let down by a script that didn’t want to commit itself to much to the things it was there to address.

The second performance was “Comedy of Errors” at the Royal Exchange. Firstly the theatre is a brilliant space…I hadn’t been before…and secondly I had such a nice time watching the play. There were some rubbish decisions – set that was unnecessary and some questionable casting but all in all it was the comedic romp it was meant to be and made me feel genuinely nostalgic for the times I have performed in it…

In addition to watching theatre I went on the Wakefield Art Walk which was fascinating and I was able to walk it in such good company whilst talking to lots of interesting people and also I have been able to follow the read through and first rehearsals of the play I’ve written in Southampton to which the reaction has been gratifyingly positive…

However, unsurprisingly, the main stream of richness came from the Youth Theatre sessions of the week…Sapphire delighted me with their ridiculous passion for laughter and I was so proud of the people who joined the group this week for leaping in with both feet and looking brilliant as they did it. Then I got to develop this physical theatre technique I’m working on with the Black Company…it produced some really interesting results some of which had massive potential. As always I was fascinated by the range of responses to the task each one reflecting the personality and visions of the artists working on them…

The final word has to go to Gold Company who proved themselves worthy of all the praise I regularly heap on the them and the delight I consistently find in them…We had a visitor to the session, in the form of the Head of Learning for The Hepworth Gallery, who after watching them for a couple of hours was very enthusiastic in her praise of their quick wit and intelligence and, in a way just as importantly, laughed at their Awkward Moment scenes so appreciatively…it made me so very proud watching her response and listening to her positive comments…

So all in all a good week…


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