Jonny Hopwood...ladies and gentlemen...making a repeat performance...enjoy...
Coming home from East15 and i’m thinking...’i’m soooo skint, i’m defo gonna be spending the next few weeks feeling sorry for myself, watching rubbish tv and eating pot noodles’... however, I couldn’t have been more wrong... the Ashes are brilliant and I’ve had a variety of microwave meals sooo. Nooo, i’m kidding. Yew Tree has provided soooooo many events and performances over the last week or so. The Sh Sh Sh Shhhakespeare day at Clarke Hall was absolutely sensational. The 15 Minute Hamlets were juuust genius. Both of them, having such a different feel yet both remaining to be sensational. Andd ooooh, followed by Mid-Summer Nights Dream. What a pleasure to watch. For such a young cast to achieve such a goal was amazing. Great success!!
The Calton group’s performance of Don’t Assume Anything completely blew me away. The bar was raised. The piece was so slick, everything was so well done, everyone was extremely confident and looooud and full of energy, making the performance easy and interesting to watch.
Pop in a mention of the Open Mic Night. Oh my word. Cowell dun't need to air a reality tv program to find who has talent in Britain, he just needs to pop his head into Sarah Thomas Dance School on a night of an Open Mic Night and he’d find exactly what he was looking for. Everyone really shone. It was truuuely amazing to see how much ability and skill and talent anddd support we have in Yew Tree. Lovely to see.
The sessions I have attended since I have been back have been craaaazily good and all they are aiming towards is putting on more and more performances for the young people to get involved in. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK FOR!!! A YOUTH THEATRE THAT CHURNS OUT PLAYS LEFT RIGHT AND CENTRE THAT YOUNG PEOPLE ARE MORE THAN WELCOME TO BE INVOLVED IN. PLAYS THAT ARE SO DIFFERENT THEY CHALLENGE YOU IN DIFFERENT WAYS EVERY TIME.... perfect no?
What? Maybe This Time is tonight? Another Yew Tree production... wow. Surely there can’t be much more.. whats that? The summer school is kicking off next week, providing us with more oppurtunity to learn whilst having the upmost fun. Cool.
Annnd, I would just like to say, I have not laughed soooo much in a long time. And really like, what good would anything ever be without having fun along the way.
So cheers to everyone, particlarly Dee for introducing everyone to the growl.
Coming home from East15 and i’m thinking...’i’m soooo skint, i’m defo gonna be spending the next few weeks feeling sorry for myself, watching rubbish tv and eating pot noodles’... however, I couldn’t have been more wrong... the Ashes are brilliant and I’ve had a variety of microwave meals sooo. Nooo, i’m kidding. Yew Tree has provided soooooo many events and performances over the last week or so. The Sh Sh Sh Shhhakespeare day at Clarke Hall was absolutely sensational. The 15 Minute Hamlets were juuust genius. Both of them, having such a different feel yet both remaining to be sensational. Andd ooooh, followed by Mid-Summer Nights Dream. What a pleasure to watch. For such a young cast to achieve such a goal was amazing. Great success!!
The Calton group’s performance of Don’t Assume Anything completely blew me away. The bar was raised. The piece was so slick, everything was so well done, everyone was extremely confident and looooud and full of energy, making the performance easy and interesting to watch.
Pop in a mention of the Open Mic Night. Oh my word. Cowell dun't need to air a reality tv program to find who has talent in Britain, he just needs to pop his head into Sarah Thomas Dance School on a night of an Open Mic Night and he’d find exactly what he was looking for. Everyone really shone. It was truuuely amazing to see how much ability and skill and talent anddd support we have in Yew Tree. Lovely to see.
The sessions I have attended since I have been back have been craaaazily good and all they are aiming towards is putting on more and more performances for the young people to get involved in. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK FOR!!! A YOUTH THEATRE THAT CHURNS OUT PLAYS LEFT RIGHT AND CENTRE THAT YOUNG PEOPLE ARE MORE THAN WELCOME TO BE INVOLVED IN. PLAYS THAT ARE SO DIFFERENT THEY CHALLENGE YOU IN DIFFERENT WAYS EVERY TIME.... perfect no?
What? Maybe This Time is tonight? Another Yew Tree production... wow. Surely there can’t be much more.. whats that? The summer school is kicking off next week, providing us with more oppurtunity to learn whilst having the upmost fun. Cool.
Annnd, I would just like to say, I have not laughed soooo much in a long time. And really like, what good would anything ever be without having fun along the way.
So cheers to everyone, particlarly Dee for introducing everyone to the growl.
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