So the first guest blog is by Emily McGee aged 14 from the oldest group that meet at St Andrews on a Saturday morning

My week at yew tree has been pretty good, not saying it isn't usually extremely fantastic, brilliant etc. We just did something different.
As usual Yew tree started off with news going around the circle, I told my weekly tale of how my dog likes to trip me over or sit on me while I’m sleeping and then we moved onto getting our new scripts from Sam.

We are doing Midsummer Nights Dream, which was one of my favourite Shakespeare plays, so I was a bit excited to do it all. As soon as we all paid up for the scripts, we all sat down and read the first act. Then I suddenly realised... it was all in the original language. I would love to say that I got on with it at a high level of confidence, but I would be lying. Basically, I was like "WHAT?" and started worrying about saying loads of stuff wrong.

And then matters got worse, we had to choose what characters we were going to rehearse for. See I don't like rushing things, but this time I had to choose, so I chose either Titania (queen of the fairies) or Hermia (in love with Lysander; the romantic). So as soon as we got given our speeches I started rehearsing them, I later on discovered that Titania's lines were really hard to remember, so I switched to Hermia and I remembered every word.

I've got so into it I’ve started saying "forsooth" and "hath she?" and so on... this habit is going to stop sooner or later but I find it funny to see my friends and family struggling to understand what im saying. I think I get the gist of the language, but I can always learn a bit more about it.

So basically, my week at yew tree was pretty cool.


  1. round of applause for the first blog (other than sarahs if you count them). i found it interesting to hear about a different group. i liked it

  2. You're amazing Emily :)
    S X

  3. A moment in history Emily....I would love to read more throughout your process....keep us updated!

  4. i really enjoyed that :) ha

  5. Oh i do love yewtree very much. :)
    Emily is getting annoying with this forsooth business, but i expect i shall be joining in when Josh finally gives me the speech i have to learn.....!!!!


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