
Showing posts from August, 2017
The last of the farewell blogs...Hannah says goodbye on her way to drama school... It is midnight and I am currently in another country having another crack at writing my last ever blog for which I have definitely missed the deadline. Preceding this there were possibly two others I'd signed up for and when I say "signed up" they weren't voluntary. Sorry Sarah. I think the reason for this is because it's quite daunting thinking about writing something with your voice, your own thoughts and opinions. The worries flood in, will people like it? Will they agree? Do I even have an opinion? So I end up writing some drivel I imagine other people will like, or not saying entirely everything I want to say. It is why I much prefer writing for myself. It is why when asked to write for Yew Tree I have always shyed away. These worries don't just go through my head when I am writing for an audience, they go through my head daily, in creating, devising, and even everyday co...
John in his own inimitable style bid adieu to YTYT This time around, the honour falls to me to write my farewell blog to Yew Tree, and likewise does the question of how best to encapsulate my time here. I fear, however, that most approaches have been or will be done in a better fashion than I can muster. I don’t trade so easily in sentimentality, nor do I feel I can share any anecdotes without concluding with the dreaded ‘you had to be there’, and so what else remains but my tried-and-trusted approach of an overly-philosophical essay on the nature of what Yew Tree does best: creating. In October I leave for university to study chemistry, a subject I enjoy because of its real world applications. When we understand the nature of matter and the way it changes, we are empowered to manipulate the world around us. We create new molecules, new elements, new structures and we use them to enhance the life we lead, and I have always found this to be an alluringly human, arrogant aspiration. T...
Our second farewell blog comes from Sam Winder who's about to start his 3 years at Durham University to study physics and philosophy...or Spanish...possibly...apparently...  I find it strange to think that aside from my close family and Wakefield’s steady charm, Yew Tree has been the most constant aspect my life - we’re talking 7 years. That’s longer than high school, it’s longer than I’ve known a fair amount of the people I see regularly, and it’s longer than any other group I’ve been to. In that respect, it’s framed a large proportion of my life and you could look through the Yew Tree photo albums and see me go from small blonde-haired Sam, through all the mistakes and the memories, and up to now when my hairline is a bit further back than is ideal for someone of my age but when I’m about to let go of most of the things that have defined my life so far and head on to the next step. So, speaking of frames, photo opportunity #1 is at Sapphire Company, that’s after I’d give...