Conscious about confidence...
We say involvement in the arts increases confidence so often there’s a danger we take it for granted…but when you consciously witness it happening in front of your eyes it gives you sharp kick of a reminder. This week I was the drama practitioner on a YTYT/WYTDC Summer School where we started off with 23 children between the ages of 4 – 13 years old, a scene structure and a CD of music and ended up with a performance of Sleeping Beauty where everyone had lines and almost everybody danced… The process was not smooth – with that recipe it was never going to be but what I became aware of was just how quickly the children absorbed skills, learnt about expectations and grew into the roles they had been allocated. I saw children who had never danced before start off by being floored by simple choreography but mastering it in a couple of days so instead of watching their feet in fear they just enjoyed the dance. I saw a shy thoughtful child find the confidence to play th...