You have the power...
It is a startling fact that as I write this, this time next week the dress rehearsals for the Christmas shows will be starting and this time in a fortnight the shows will be over.* This moment in the Christmas term always takes my breath away…how has it gone from those playful days in September when sessions were full of conjecture and play and possibilities to the frantic rehearsals where we have a finite amount of hours to pull everything together…and why when my rational side knows that it’s been weeks and weeks since then does it seem like those heady happy days were two minutes ago? So it’s my duty now to tell you that it’s now it’s over to you. Gemma and I have done the majority of what we can do. Obviously we’ll keep doing as much as we can – we’ll run the tech’s and advise you and coach you and problem solve and champion you until you take your final bows...however ultimately the success of the productions is all about you. Here are some o...